Smallville Lottery Analysis

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Usually lotteries are good for people, but not for the town of Smallville. On June 27th last year, the townspeople of Smallville conducted their annual lottery in the town square. However, this is no normal lottery that you might thinks of. The lottery that takes place in the town of Smallville is only done because of tradition. They have been having the lottery since before the oldest resident that lives there. “I think that it is good for people and the people who are stopping the lottery aren’t smart,” said Old Man Warner,the oldest resident of Smallville. The type of lottery that takes place in smallville happens every year on June 27th. The whole town gathers in the town square where one person from each family picks a slip of paper, …show more content…

The day started with the kids of the town gathering stones which they then put into a corner in the town square. Shortly after, the whole town began to gather in the town square. After everybody got there Mr. summers began attendance calling of the last name of each family to ensure that everybody was there. Soon after a represent for each family stepped up and drew a slip of paper from the box that has been there since before Old Man Warner. After everyone had their slip the whole town opened them. The Hutchinson family were the ones that got the dot on their paper. After the whole family came to the front, each one including Bill and Tessie’s baby got a slip of paper. They opened the paper one by one until it was only Bill and Tessie left. Bill opened his and it was blank, then he opened Tessie’s for her and there was a dot. The town immediately started picking up stones and began to throw them at her until she died. After the lottery we interview a few people. “I think that we should always hold the lottery because it is a tradition we have been doing since before Old Man Warner,” Jack Dunbar said. In contrast, Nancy Hutchinson said, “I think that we should stop the lottery because it is making us kill innocent people even our family members.” Even though some people disagree with the lottery the Smallville says they still plans on holding the annual lottery for years to

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