Solitary Confinement

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Why the Issue is Important

Solitary confinement, or in other words isolation, is the confinement of an inmate in a 80 foot cell or a special housing unit where he or she is completely secluded from everyone. In most cases, when an inmate is held in solitary confinement, they spend up to 23 hours of the day in a cell, and given an hour of free time in another small cell. The first experiment of solitary confinement started in 1834, and has been proceeding since then. When one is held in solitary confinement, they have very limited interaction with other individuals; they are denied phone calls, limited family visits, they have no personal property, and can suffer from insomnia and forms of brutality.
A frequently asked question is, “Why do …show more content…

Solitary confinement is often described as one of the worst type of psychological torture. Humans yearn for social contact to keep them stable; without the advantage of having others to reckon on, the human brain starts to slow down and decay. Humans need to have a sense of control and stableness; solitary confinement contradicts that theory. Isolation and absence of control creates anxiety, depression and hopelessness. Cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, paranoia and psychosis are all factors that can be caused from solitary confinement.
Solitary confinement has devastating psychological, physical, and developmental effects on juveniles. Knowing how damaging solitary confinement can be for youths, detention centers across the country use this method for as a disciplinary measure. There are recent efforts of reform in solitary confinement. Juvenile justice facilities currently hold about 70,000 children in confinement throughout the …show more content…

Humans need some type of social life in order to be stable, solitary confinement prevents them from those rights. To take away that social nature from humans deprives them of basic human needs, causing little to no privacy. It causes significant mental and physical pain and suffering especially to those already suffering from a mental disorder. Solitary confinement can cause prolonged depression that can stick to an individual for a very long time if not permanently. Aside from getting depressed, the absence of physical activity, social interaction, or natural sunlight in confinement solely will harm a person. In some cases, it's just unnecessary; some inmates end up in solitary confinement for giving a guard an attitude, or even simply for a tattoo that is thought to be connected to a gang affiliation. Solitary confinement should be used as the last method of any punishment, and a destination for the worst of inmates. The months and years that many prisoners stay in isolation are too long and unthoughtful. Days resided in solitary confinement must be reviewed due to all the effects of one's mental and physical health. Prisoners vulnerable to mental-health injury should not be confined unless if urgent. When inmates with mental disorders are sent to solitary confinement, the results can include long term damage. When placed in solitary, many of the mentally ill deteriorate dramatically and engage

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