Steve Jobs 'Failure As A Scholar'

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g Failure as a Scholar
As a student the word failure is seen as utterly negative because it is associated with that dreadfully lousy grade on a paper. If that is the way everyone looked at failure, than the entire human population should just be moping around thinking of all the fails they have experienced, that is not the case though.Yes, failure occasionally is just truly negative, also so much is understood from past mistakes to create a better version of that individual. Failing can assist in a scholar advancing their education by understanding what not to do and also by seeing others miss the mark and accordingly using those as an educational experience. Failure can sharpen a student by experiencing a great failure, having a bias toward …show more content…

Abounding numbers of people over the years have just completely failed; however, the fail ended up not being a total loss after all because it ended up leading to a tremendous success. A extraordinary example of a person who was a failure in school, but then continued to be a monumental success in his later life is Steve Jobs. Jobs dropped out of college it just was not for him, after all college is not for everybody. At the time Jobs was doing nothing huge with his life and later he went along to do work with bigger companies. Jobs started doing work with a company that would one day become Pixar Studios he then met his partner for Apple, Steve Wozniak, and worked with him. A journal that talked about Jobs success, says this “ … the founding of Apple Computers, Job’s early successes, and his arrogant, irascible, and charismatic personality that won both admiration and loathing.” (Jensen 52).Being dropout or a poor student does not make a person uneducated or a horrible it just means that organized classrooms are not their niche. Sometimes as a scholar a great failure will just end up meaning an even greater …show more content…

Learning from a mistake is a concept instilled in countless numbers of people. This concept is especially important for scholars to remember because as a student no matter how studious, there will be times that failure is just bound to happen. Accepting the failure, then closely examining where the assignment went wrong and what exactly caused the loss it what will help educate a person in the future. Looking at a poor grade on an assignment as not just a poor grade, but as an opportunity to improve is a tremendous way to higher thinking levels and improve on the current self. In The Achievement Habit Bernard Roth says “The idea is not to be paralyzed in the face of uncertainty. If you do something and it works, great! If you do something and it fails, maybe even better. You do, you fail, and you learn. You do again, you fail again, and you learn some more. If you are mindful about what you have done, failure is a teacher. With a little luck, after enough failures you will succeed.” (Roth 120). This quote is so important because failure is truly a teacher and it should not be something that stops a person from living life. Eventually, after failing a few assignments the person will do it right and will be even better than it may have been it the first place because it was done by trial and

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