Strangers In The Dumpster: A Narrative Fiction

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It all started when Luna Winters; she just got her 1st book report of the year. Luna wasn’t the smartest in her class. She got a project from her teacher; she went to this place called a “library.”

She walked into the library. She had slowly opened the doors.

Luna didn’t find anything interesting and she was just about to leave the library, but she realized she needed a book. She grabbed a random book not looking at the cover at all. ‘Carl’ who worked there said “Don’t open….book….you….trapped….for….ever.” He had warned her about the book. Now it is too late.

When she got home the clock said it was 8:43 and Luna grasped her bag and went upstairs. She lay on her bed and took her book. The last time someone checked it out was in 1993. Luna …show more content…

She liked this place, but there was something strange. I met this creature; she reminded me of a gargoyle.
The creature spoke “Hi. You must have traveled from Last Time Sawn or Rayounder. Name’s Starlette. Who are you and where do you come from?”
“My name is Luna and I’m a human. I came from… I came from.”
Luna was looking around, from where she had come from.
“Well. Where you come from?” Starlette said mad.
Luna suddenly realized that she was tapping some magic wand like she was a cop.
“Wellll.. I come from some place called Earth. Wait- you said Last Time Sawn.”
That was the title of my book.
“Has there ever been anything strange around here.” Luna said …show more content…

From the start she thought that this was crazy. She tilted the book, but that did nothing. Lindsey tried thinking of something else. She was thinking of shaking the book but she felt like it wouldn’t work. Lindsey was trying to rock the book, but it still didn’t work.

“Lindsey! It’s almost 12:00!” Luna said.
“What about 12:00?” Lindsey said.
“The book will shut at 12:00 and I will be stuck in here forever.”
“Well. It’s almost 12:00, one more minute.”
“Save me!”

Luna was going to try her idea then at 12:00. Thwap! The book shut close.

In the Book

“Ha! Now you be my slave for forever. If you haven’t notice you never die of life.”.
Click! The cuffs on Luna’s hand released and Luna was now starting to feel her arms. Luna still hoped her sister would get her out. Luna was now moping all the time.

Lindsey still tried to get the book open, but the book wouldn’t budge. Lindsey tried and tried. Pop! Lindsey got the book open but quickly knew she couldn’t hold it open forever. Lindsey tried the idea, she was going to shake the book. Lindsey opened the book on the ground. Moments later Luna appeared back in the restless body. “Thankyou so much!” Luna said to Lindsey. The

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