Summary: The Spirits That Haunt New Hampshire

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The Spirits That Haunt New Hampshire

On Highway 114 in the town of Hennicker, New Hampshire there is a two story wood frame house sitting upon a hill overlooking the town. The house which is known as “Ocean – born” Mary’s house is privately owned but it may be possible to arrange to see it. The local people love to talk about what is haunting it.

Arriving on the Irish Immigrant Ship the “Wolf”

Mary Wallace got the nickname “Ocean-born” because she came into this world on an Irish immigrant ship called the “Wolf” in 1720. When pirates boarded the ship the passengers and the ships cargo were spared because the baby’s mother agreed to call the little girl Mary, which had been pirate Don Pedro’s mother’s name. The “Wolf” reached Boston and Mary’s …show more content…

However well known parapsychologist Hans Holzer assisted by a medium was able to free the spirit of a servant girl and help her get to the world beyond.

Admiral Hawley’s House

Admiral Andrew Hawley built a three-story white house with a wooden porch surrounding it on three sides and called it “Miz n’ Top”. He chose an isolated patch of forest that could be reached by a long, narrow winding tree-lined drive. Hawley lived there with his wife. Both Hawley’s weren’t very friendly and tended to chase people off of their property. When the admiral died in 1933, his daughter chose to sell the house to the J family in 1935.

Strange Happenings Begin

Mr. and Mrs. J decided to turn the attic into a club room for their son E.J. and his friends. They cut windows into the wall and threw out all of the remaining admiral’s possessions. Of course this upset someone unseen indeed. Suddenly footsteps could be heard in the attic and on the stairs leading to it and in the corridor. When E.J. first slept in the attic he could hear the sounds of heavy foot steps and the sounds of heavy objects being moved overhead and down the hall. Many years later when E.J. was living there with his own family he went up to the club room to get a book. He walked into a thing that felt like a warm, wet blanket and it touched him physically. A house guest saw the knob of the door leading …show more content…

The admiral resented the owners of the house because he had wanted the house for his own son. He was asked to leave the former owners alone and the admiral consented to do so saying he could take care of himself. The spirit of the admiral appeared pleased that parapsychologist Holzer and his company had come from New York to speak to him.

The Sise Inn

The Sise Inn is a three-story Queen Anne mansion, built in 1881. It is located at 40 Court Street in the lovely seaport town of Portsmouth, The mansion was turned into an inn in 1986. Inside there is beautiful wood paneling, a Victorian atmosphere and antique furnishings. It was built by wealthy, businessman John Sise for his family. Until the 1930s it remained a private residence.

Haunting on the Third

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