The Book Thief And Night Comparison

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Without a theme, a story is just a story with little meaning. To test whether a theme is worthy, the reader should ask whether it teaches a lesson, whether it's revealed through characters and whether it applies to the entire work. Several themes in the novel Night by Elie Wiesel and in the movie The Book Thief pass this test.In Night, Elie writes a memoir about how he and his family are sent to Aushwits, a concentration camp, for being Jewish during the holocaust. At the camps, Elie suffers through great trials that challenge his faith as he witnesses the worst in humanity. Similarly in The Book Thief, a fiction story about theme in character, Liesel Meminger. Liesel navigates her way through life in Germany during WW1. As she develops relationships, …show more content…

That is important because it happened a lot during the Holocaust. Nazis, and even some Jews, treated Jews so cruelly. In the book thief, Liesel’s mother had to give up Liesel and her brother because she was a communist, and didn't want anything bad to happen to Liesel or her brother. Liesel was also bullied because of her parents being communist. People had to worry about being deported into the war, or being killed. Jews had to go into hiding, to hide from being put into a concentration camp. When a neighbor of Hans and Rosa’s was found out to have secretly been a jew, he was going to be put into a concentration camp, Hans stood up for him saying they had all known him for a long time, and he was alright. The Nazi asked for Hans’ name, and wrote it down. A few days later Hans got put into the war. In Night, all the Jews are put into concentration camps, and some are immediately killed in the crematories.Some Jews put into concentration camps didn't even believe in the religion. In the book Night, Elie said “ Yes I saw it with my own eyes… Those children in the flames” and “Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky.” “Never shall I forget the flames that consumed my faith forever.” How can someone be so cruel as to burn young children alive? Later in the book, when Elie's father fell ill, the other invalids in the hospital beat Elie's father because he stank. They would also steal his bread. People in the holocaust were very cruel evil

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