The Case Of Tom Robinson And Scottsboro Trial

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Tom robinson and scottsboro boys was accused of rapping white women. Most people already think that they were the ones to do it. They think that only because of the color of their skin. The main point of this paper is about all the accusations and mayella and the girls. Also how the lawyers that helped them. In this paper it will talk about how the girls were in this case. The scottsboro case was about a group of men that were accused for rapping two women on a train, in the 1930s. Tom Robinson’s case was about him rapping a white women. In the book to kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee. To kill a mockingbird is about Atticus defending a man named Tom Robinson. Tom was accused of rapping a white women. Atticus did his best to him. Even though …show more content…

They were both accused of rapping white women. “They all raped her, everyone of them”( Linder 2 ). That was one of the many times scottsboro boys were accused of rapping victoria price and Ruby Bates. The boy were treated badly because everyone believed they had rapped the girls. Everyone believed they did just because of the color of their skin. “When one of the accused, Clarence Norris, called the girls liars he was struck by a bayonet”(Linder 2). By reading this you can see they were treated with force. Tom was treated somewhat the same as the boys. “He stood up and pointed his finger at Tom Robinson. I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin’ on my mayella”( Lee 175). You can tell by the way Tom was addressed he was discriminated because of the color of his skin, just like the …show more content…

Both mayella and the girls clamied to be rapped by a black man. Like mayella never got checked by a doctor. “The cross-examination of Victoria Price lasted only minutes”(Linder2). As you can see Victoria didn’t get thoroughly checked. If she was then it would have taken longer than that. All they found from from the exam was old sperm inside of her just from one person. If it was from the boys then it would have been fresh and also there would have been way more. There was some things wrong with mayella's story also. “She reach up an’ kissed me ‘side of th’ face. She says says she never kissed a grown man before an’ she might as well kiss a nigger. She says what papa do to her don’t count”(Lee 194). They also were both weren't that rich or that smart. Malleya thought that Atticus was bullying her when he was being polite. “Maycome’s ewells lived behind the town garbage dump in what was once a negro cabin¨(Lee 170). By reading this you can see she wasn't raised all that

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