The Complex And Misunderstood Book Of The Bible

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Bible Essay
Genesis is a very complex and misunderstood book within the bible. It talks about the creation of earth and how God created it. Each “day” has a specific design that is created. Day 1 starts with God making Heaven and Earth and separating light from darkness. When the light and darkness occur, that is when we as humans, started calling a certain time period “day”. On the second day, God separated the sky and water. On the third day, God created vegetation. This, as we know from science today, helps create oxygen or the air we breathe. As each “day” or time period that passes it becomes more and more visible on how earth was created and how each day unravels to help us live here on Earth. The fourth day is when God creates the sun …show more content…

For myself I believe God created the Earth, as well as creating all of the science within it. I have been raised this way, but I’ve also been taught evolution and science. I used to believe in the Old Earth theory and thinking God created evolution and we developed from there. As I continued on this thought I started asking questions and turning away from evolution. I now think God created the thought of evolution for those who refuse to believe in order to be able to judge them and show their true sinful nature. God uses his ways to, not trick humans, but to show who is a true follower of Christ. Another item that doesn’t add up is how old earth is. To find out how old a tree is, is you count the rings in the trunk of the tree. The oldest trees are roughly found around being four to five thousand years old. Earth is estimated to be about six thousand years old from a Christian point of view. How can earth be millions and millions year old if the oldest trees we can find are on five …show more content…

It defines how you look at the world and how God is involved. Earth was created by God. I’m a strong believer in the Young Earth theory, for it makes sense. Evolution have very little proof behind its works and yet so many people choose to believe in it. When we developed from other creatures why aren’t those in between creatures still around? Why haven’t we found any remains of the in between creatures? Where is the evidence to support any of it? As a follower of Christ we can look at how the Earth was designed so perfectly to sustain life. Earth’s tilt is 23.4 degrees. If the tilt was any less than what it is now, the Earths poles would be receiving less energy and would be unsustainable for life. It the tilt was any more, the seasons we experience would become great and wouldn’t be able to sustain life. This design was perfect for Earth to sustain

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