The Hero's Journey In Up By Pete Docter And Bob Peterson

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Ever noticed that most mega-hit literature's have the same fundamental structure? This familiar structure starts and ends in an ordinary world but quests through an unfamiliar world of 12 special events. It is known as the Monomyth or Hero's Journey. The Hero's Journey is a cycle of 12 stages which simplify the journey of the hero in all great literature. In my opinion, I believe that the movie "Up" which was directed by Pete Docter and Bob Peterson, evidently illustrates the hero's journey. They have illustrated the journey through their evident use of motifs, cut shots from different angles and music. I also undoubtedly believe that "Inside Out" by Pete Docter and Ronnie del Carmen thoroughly represents the hero's journey. The composers have …show more content…

In the Status Quo of "Up", Carl Frederickson is an antisocial widow who revolves around his own redundant life after the death of his adventurous wife, Ellie. The composers have established that Carl still recalls his abundant life with Ellie by using a motif. The Grape Soda Lid is a badge which was given to Carl when Ellie invited him to join her Adventurer' Club. It is repeated in Carl's Status Quo when he prepares for an anguished day without Ellie. In Carl's Point of View it is a reminder of his wife's dream of visiting Paradise Falls which had gone long unfulfilled. The motif shows that even without her, Carl will ever forget Ellie's sentiment because she was a spark of happiness in his life. It is apparent that the motif repeated in "Up" adequately establishes that Carl's Status Quo will …show more content…

The hero has to face their biggest fear to complete their journey. In "Up", while Carl tries to venture to Paradise Falls with Russel, they are accompanied by Kevin who is wanted by Charles Muntz.The composers have shown this when Carl is trying to gladden Ellie by going to Paradise Falls but Muntz' dogs are chasing them for Kevin. By using a combination of high and low angle shots, a variety of lighting and music; they have demonstrated the hero's journey. Whilst being chased in a cave dark shadows are used to show how disastrous it can end but the sun's natural lighting is a sign of safety. The intensity of the loud music and the quick, high and low angle shots emphasize on how frightened Carl and his alliances feel. The quick, high and low angle shots makes us have empathy for Carl and his alliances. Considering the composers' use of angle shots, music and lighting it can be concluded that the filmmakers are creating empathy in us for Russel, Kevin, Carl and his

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