The Importance Of Communication During World War I

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Communication has always been a key factor to win a war because it could mean faster response by the troops to orders of the Headquarters as well as it could be an advantage to cipher enemy’s messages. During WWI, an ample selection of communication methods were available to all the countries and the effectiveness of these systems was determined by speed, reliability, practicality and idiosyncrasy.
In 1914, there were two main ways to communicate at sea: by semaphore flags and wireless telegraphy.
Semaphore flags were vastly used by navies for short-term communications. This was a simple way of transmitting information and it required just two flags and an operator. Basing on the positioning of the flags, it was possible to signal an entire alphabet. Using semaphore flags 7-10 words per minute could be transmitted and they could be seen up to 7 miles. The main disadvantages …show more content…

This battle occurred on May 31 1916. It was the biggest naval battle in WW1 between the Royal Navy and the German Navy at Jutland, Denmark. The battle had been fought because the German navy wanted to get easy access to the Atlantic ocean, but the Royal Navy did not want it to let pass because the UK needed to commerce on the Atlantic and it fought Germany could ruin this situation. Germany decided to fight Britain with as many battleships and submarines as possible. Room 40 understood the coded message which mentioned this battle so the UK deployed its forces in time and and Germany lost the surprise effect. The royal Navy had 151 battleships and the German Navy 99. At the end of the battle, Britons lost more men and ships than Germans; however the Royal Navy was bigger than the Geramn navy so this battle had aminor effect on it. The Geramn Navy could not send battleships in the Atlantic easily to put Britain on its knees and destroy American battleships coming from the USA the following year, so this helped Allies to win the

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