The Influence Of Freedom In America

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"Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." The quote, stated by Malcolm X, is an accurate representation of freedom having to be earned every generation. Like he also believed, America continues to retreat from its full freedom for his people. Although his people have more freedoms now, others also have to face the harsh reality of having to win their freedom. When the Emancipation Proclamation had been passed, it stated that all slaves had gained their freedom. For instance, the now freed slaves could leave their owner's plantations and start a new life. Although this may have seemed true on paper, their actual freedoms were slowly taken away. This is important because even though the slaves were now freed, they were denied simple human rights that they should have received once they became citizens. Additionally, after the 13th amendment was passed, the Jim Crow laws continued to limit the possible opportunities blacks could receive. This shows that the blacks had to gain their freedom because they weren't handed them. One can surmise that others were trying to prevent the blacks from gaining their freedom. As one can see, generations have to regain their freedom. Nowadays, those who are not accepted in society today, like homosexuals, …show more content…

Constitution provides permanent freedom. Since the Constitution has been in effect since the nation had become free from Great Britain. This shows that the freedoms everyone has remained permanent through each generation. Although this may be true to the majority population, there are many other minority groups that have needed to fight for their freedom. This shows that the majority have neglected the freedoms of minority groups. This is important because it possibly may be the reason many homosexuals, workers, and disabled have protested for their rights. Thus, their freedoms must be won through peaceful

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