Obesity: The Greatest Challenges Of This Modern Nation

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Our world is greatly dimmed by those of larger body. When roaming the streets, we see every day those struggling to hold themselves up. Being fit and active, when viewing those who aren’t of our stature, it brings shame and depression. The problem of obesity has plagued this great nation since it’s founding. From the founding fathers to the common citizen. Benjamin Franklin was obese, and he was one of the creators of the lights around us today. With obesity comes some of the greatest challenges of this modern nation. Overpopulation, the taking up of valuable space, Dire need of resources, and mobility issues. To solve these urgent issues, the proposition of mass extermination is considered. Mass Extermination may seem drastic, and it is, but it must be done for the security of …show more content…

The most urgent of issues in America would be nearly completely dismissed under this proposal. Overpopulation. In modern U.S.A, there is no more room for our children to grow and prosper. This is all thanks to the needs of lazy overweight persons. Another great advantage of this solution is the fuels and fertilizers provided by those killed. Their body parts and organs will also be recycled and used for those in need of vital organs and bones. The fat will be burned to light homes and other necessities of life. As for fertilizer, fats have been proven to make great breeding grounds for the growth of plants and the further attraction of animals. These are both great things for the environment and for the human population overall. As for mobility, the lessening of the population will make it easier for people to get around and this beautiful planet of which we have been blessed will return to it’s former glory. All the money spent on providing for the obese can go to much more urgent matters. Like the maintaining of the planet, the Preservation of our oceans, and the providing of the American people whom work and make an honest

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