Understand The Importance Of Safeguarding Research

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At Preschool our policies and procedures are stored in our filing cabinet, which i am able to view at anytime. It is important that i am aware of our policies and procedures and that i follow them at all times. Health & safety, I must record any accidents in our accident book, and myself or the manger would get the Parent/carer to check what we have recorded, and sign to say that they have been made aware of the Incident I do regular checks of the inside and outside area to make sure that all equipment is safe for use and in good working order for the children to use without risk of harm We have a safeguarding folder and it is my responsibility to know what the practises are towards safeguarding, if there are any updates, we are always given copies of these to read through, and the changes are discussed at our staff meetings …show more content…

EYFS we do regular observations on our key children so that we can track their development is going at the pace that it should be for their age group. We do our Next steps around their interests and areas that they have not covered yet, we aim to make the activities fun and inclusive, as the children learn better when we are basing it around their interests. CU1531 2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided This is a very important part of the Preschool, as being reflective allows us to continually improve the service to children and parents that we work

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