Unlocking Charm Research Paper

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The wand-lighting charm is a charm we discussed in lesson one. The wand-lighting charm is a simple spell that does exactly that: lights the tip of your wand. It is believed to be invented by Levina Monkstanley sometime in the 18th century. The incantation for the wand-lighting charm is lumos, pronounced loo-mos. The wand-movement is as simple as it gets, as it 's just a single counter-clockwise loop. Not much focus is required for this charm, since you 're not lighting an object, just the tip of your wand. However, the color of the light your wand gives off changes depending on how much you charge this spell. The color of the light can be lemon-yellow if the spell is sufficiently charged, and scarlet if the caster put too much charge into …show more content…

The unlocking charm hails from Africa and does not have a standard latin-based incantation like most spells do. The incantation for the unlocking charm is Alohomora, pronounced like al-loh-ha-mor-ah. Emphasis is put on the second and fourth syllables, loh and mor. The wand movement for the unlocking charm is a backwards s that curves up at the end. The wand movement and incantation must be timed the same, so that you start and finish the movement and incantation at the same time. The caster of this spell must focus on the lock they are trying to undo. Physical locks are much easier to unlock than magical locks, and requires less focus and willpower. Magical locks require a lot of focus and willpower, and the unlocking charm might not even work on …show more content…

The softening charm seems like it would make objects soft and squishy like a stuffed animal, but its effect is slightly different. The softening charm makes objects slightly lighter and a bit squishy and bouncy. It makes objects sort of like a rubber ball. The incantation for the softening charm is Spongify, which is pronounced like spuhn-jee-fye. Emphasis is to be put on the first syllable, spuhn. The wand movement for the softening charm is a v-shape with a small swish half way through. Clearing your mind and focusing on your magic is very important for this spell, since you might not cast the spell properly without focus. Focusing and charging the spell is necessary and will get you the best results. If you don 't focus or charge the spell enough, the spell will probably wear off in a few minutes. The object will probably also be only slightly softened and won 't bounce when

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