What Is Deoxyribose In Dna's Name?

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Many people are familiar with the spiral staircase appearance of DNA. The twisted pieces on the outside of the ladder are called the sugar phosphate backbone. The rungs of the latter consist of nitrogenous bases called Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and cytosine with Adenine always pairing with thymine and guanine always pairing with cytosine. A phosphate group, a sugar, and one of the four nitrogenous bases bond to create a nucleotide which makes up DNA. In fact, DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid with nucleic representing the nucleotides in DNA. The sugar in DNA is specifically called Deoxyribose which is abbreviated to deoxyribose in DNA’s name. The acid part of DNA’s name is just showing that the phosphate groups are very acidic, so acidic

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