Why I Love Fishing Research Paper

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Why I Enjoy Fishing Fishing is one of my hobbies that I like to do. I started fishing in New Hampshire with my Dad at a young age. I thought it was really fun. Today Ie grown to enjoy it a lot more. Other than video games it's one of my favorite things to do. It can be relaxing at times. Sometimes it can be slow but you get a good feeling when you finally get something. Also a lot of good memories come out of it. I could go on and on but these are the most important things. One of the reasons that I love fishing is because I think it's very relaxing. It's usually pretty quiet and it doesn't require a lot of work. I always loved sitting on a dock in Maine at my grandparents house and fish. You are surrounded by woods and you are in a cove so you can just sit there and close your eyes while you fish. You will know if you get a bite because you can feel it. Patience is key when it comes to fishing. Another reason I love fishing is the feeling you get when you catch a fish. What I hate most is when nothing happens all day and you end up with nothing.The best part is when you finally do. It's kind of a relief if you ask me. Why is this a reason I love fishing? Well, it makes it seem like you didn't just sit there all day for nothing. I think it makes it much more enjoyable. …show more content…

A lot of cool memories come out of it. You get a lot of stories out of it to tell.Every experience is different. My brother and I go fishing together a lot and many interesting things have happened. Like once we were fishing out of a canoe in Maine and we were catching fish left and right. We probably caught a total of over 40 fish in just a few hours. Although most were sunfish it was still awesome. We also had many competitions such as who could catch the most fish or who could catch the first fish. I feel like fishing has brought me and my brother closer. A lot of great memories can happen that you probably won't forget

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