Why Is Sidney Nolan Painted Pictures Using The Surrealism

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Student Name: TANG Jocelyn Sze Ling
Student ID: GEC 000009X 473
Assessment Unit: VU 21473
Task 1:
1. Sidney Nolan.
2. Sidney Nolan painted pictures using the surrealism art style.
3. Sidney Nolan mostly painted pictures on canvas in acrylic paints, he has also created sculptures such as the rainbow snake.
4. 1941-1992.
5. He was born 22 April 1919 in Carlton Victoria and died 28th November 1992. He was the eldest of four children and grew up in a middle class family. He worked for Fagrefield hats making advertising displays for 6 years from the age of 16. Nolan studied at heide(1941-1947). Nolan was one of the heading art of the 20th century. He`s best known for his series of paintings on Legend of Australian history such as the Ned Kelly …show more content…

Surrealism began in the 1990 and continues on today. Surrealism expresses real thing in an unreal way to express the workings of the artist`s subconscious and inner feelings.
7. The death of constable Scanlon. This painting was created in 1946 and is done in an enamel paint on composition board. The story behind the painting is a true story about Ned Kelly and how Ned killed constable. He was in the net of firing again when Ned Kelly fired and Scanlon fell from his horse and died almost immediately. I really like this picture. I like the way it use different surreal and real art. It really has that Australian nature out back look and yet has a super look for Ned Kelly.

Task 2:
1. In the chrissie morning, many aussie have a holiday such the postie or the truckie. The oldies do not need to bring their children to kindie. On the weekend we have some brekkie, which is cooked some chokkie bikkie`s for the family.
In the arvo, she leaves home with her sunnies to a smoko to buy a coffee, she also bought some lippy.
At dinner, she had a barbie with her family, they ate loads of meat.
On the way home, they got into some aggro. They had to run to the servo. They got the rego of the car that try to run them over. They called the police to …show more content…

Ned Kelly
The myths associated with outflows or `social bandits` are important elements of national identity in many developed countries. Long after his death, the outflows Ned Kelly lives on in Australian culture though various media, ensuring his position as a symbol of Australian identity. Image of Ned Kelly were even projected to a global audience during the opening ceremony if the Sydney 2000 olympic games.
3. Kangaroo
The kangaroo first appeared as a symbol of Australia in 1773 with the publication of an account of Captain Cook`s first voyage to the Pacific. Emblematic of Australia`s `curious` nature, the kangaroo soon appeared in exhibitions, collections, art and printed works across Europe. By the info’s this uniquely Australian marsupial was used to brand products ranging from bicycles to Billy tea at home.
4. Vegemite
Vegemite is a food product you either love or hate. There doesn’t seem to be a middle ground with this dark brown savory spread invented in Australia in 1922. Most Aussie love it, making it the most iconic of Australian

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