Why Nice Guys Finish Last Essay

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The theme that is present in both of the readings is the oppression of gender. “Why Nice Guys Finish Last” demonstrates how stereotypes of both men and women are the key factor in gender oppression. This reading also emphasizes how stereotypes of women are typically more prevalent, and therefore, more harmful in today’s society. “Dismantling Hierarchy, Queering Society” explains how male dominance through the patriarchy fuels the gendered oppression of women. It further explains specifically how heteropatriarchy brings forth white supremacy, capitalism, and colonialism too. These readings, when looked at collectively, primarily show gender oppression through sexism, but they also mention the roles that other systems of oppression play as well.

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Not only does gender oppression occur systemically, but it also occurs individually. I have experienced the latter at a personal level, but did not fully realize the implications behind it until reading this article. My experience with “why the nice guy should get the girl” form of sexism initially started as a young kid, when I befriended a boy. Over the years, we became extremely close, to the point where I now consider him one of my best friends. That is how I view our relationship though, just as friends. It seems, however, that the majority of people that grew up alongside us, as well as our parents, believe that we should be romantically involved for reasons such as, “he’s a nice guy” and “you would be a cute couple.” Personally, I hate hearing comments like these because even though I enjoy having him in my life, I do not like other people thinking that he is entitled to “having me” just because he is a nice guy. The way I see it, I think it is perfectly acceptable for nice guys to “finish last” because we, as women, do not owe them

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