Justness In Trifles

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In general, time frames often distinguish the attitudes between men and women, resulting in a lack of ethical paradigms of justice. Women quite often lived under their husband's rule, constantly being hindered. In many cases, females were not considered significant in societal matters. Furthermore, there was a lack of caring towards them, and women were more so looked upon as jaded and less consequential. A masculinist might ponder the thoughts that females deserve neglectful behaviour, lacking the comprehension of equality. Moreover, it is heavily concluded that before the Women's Right Movement came into effect, women felt restrained in their marriages, having to obey their husband's demands; this often led to frustrations. Men came off as …show more content…

Throughout Trifles, Sheriff and the County Attorney show paradigms of a lack of justness towards the women. It is portrayed as if their importance to society is non-existent. Evidently, when the group begins to conduct the search throughout the farmhouse, the women are pushed away as if they are not able to help proceed with the search, other than to retrieve the possessions of Mrs. Wright, and then to remain in the kitchen. "…keep an eye out for anything that might be of use to us." (Glaspell 872), the County Attorney mentioned to Mrs. Peters. Although this comment represents trust in Mrs. Peters, it demonstrates an accurate stereotype to which women are meant to be in the kitchen and do as they are told by the men directing the command. The different perspectives of the case between the men and women demonstrated a competing aspect of justness and fit for success. The women tended to lack equality when the men pushed them aside, so they were able to do the study of the house without the women in the way, this shows the men's beliefs that they were more important to this case than the women were. A review of the story, written by Ken Jaworowski, stated quietly simply "In the tale, two women, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, gradually uncover the motive for a murder, while their male counterparts are blinded by ignorance and insensitivity. The women examine the details - the trifles - of the suspect's life to discover a deeper meaning and in the end solve a mystery by exposing a tragedy." This review supports the statement that due to that ignorance and insensitivity of the men, the women were able to conclude this case on their own, despite the unethical justice shown towards them. The constraints that men have placed upon women in previous times displayed the men's lack of

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