Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Essays

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligar Research Paper

    1110 Words  | 5 Pages

    Anterior Cruciate Ligament The ACL is a ligament in the outer leg next to the knee. Most anterior cruciate ligament tears require surgery, unless the orthopedic surgeon says otherwise. An ACL tear is the most common injury and in the knee. These injuries are happening more frequently in teenagers now. The ACL can be strengthened to help prevent it from tearing. It is just a matter of protecting oneself. Zaleuke 2 1. What is an ACL? ACL stands for anterior cruciate ligament. This

  • Knee Problem Analysis

    1506 Words  | 7 Pages

    Both meniscus and ligaments were designed in CATIA as different components. The data’s for length and cross sectional area of ligaments, ligament insertion sites, menisci peripheral length range, area of Contact points of meniscus were obtained from previous FE and experimental studies. At last stage of the design; bones, meniscus and ligaments were assembled in CATIA. B. Finite Element Mesh The assembled solid Model from CATIA

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation

    1734 Words  | 7 Pages

    The purpose of this literature review was to evaluate the research on alternative rehabilitation methods for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. The anterior cruciate ligament is one of the four ligaments that stabilize the knee. Poster to the patella, the ACL prevents the knee joint from moving during quick changes in movement. Pivoting and cutting are the most common movements that cause the ACL to rupture.1 ACL tears were found to be the knee’s most commonly diagnosed sports injury

  • Reconstructive Surgery Literature Review

    871 Words  | 4 Pages

    TREATMENT: Bracing, Crutches and Rehabilitation Once an anterior cruciate ligament has been injured, treatment has to be carried out as soon as possible. Due to the location of the ACL (at the level of the knee) it poses significant problems for activities of daily life such as walking, climbing and sitting. Depending on the severity of the injury, an ACL reconstruction surgery may be performed. During this reconstructive operation, the deficient ligament is repaired using a tendon graft. In most cases the

  • Sports Injury Research Paper

    1205 Words  | 5 Pages

    Sports injuries occur frequently throughout college football and other professional sports and although they may all seem different; they also have numerous similarities. In today’s society it is extremely common to see an athlete tear their anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or receive a concussion. While both injuries are viewed as completely different, surprisingly they can be tied together through multiple factors. Although the harm is done to opposite parts of the body, coaches must remain equally

  • ACL Injury Case Study

    545 Words  | 3 Pages

    with. I have had seven total knee surgeries and a total of 4 ACL reconstructions, 3 of which were done on the same knee. Each ACL tear was a result of a non-contact injury that involed abrupt starting and stopping during basketball or softball. With the help of my team, we will investiage the functions of the ACL, treatment options and why I may have suffered these injuries as a young female athlete. The anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, prevents forward movement of the tibia, off of the femur

  • Knee Injury Research Paper

    2068 Words  | 9 Pages

    another. Most of the time, normal body movements do not incur injuries. As a result, knee injuries are common in sports such as soccer, football, and basketball, most of which involve frequent sudden stop movements among athletes. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) has been studied in many different ways

  • The Knee Joint

    1002 Words  | 5 Pages

    patterns are being recognized. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a very commonly involved ligament in these injuries.8 The knee joint is a large compound type of synovial joint. Due to the lack of bony support, stability of the joint is highly dependent on its supporting ligamentous structures, and therefore injuries of ligaments and menisci are extremely common especially in active individuals like athletes, labours and soldiers. Anterior cruciate ligament is an intra-articular, extra

  • Torn Ligament In Sports

    1991 Words  | 8 Pages

    and never is with a torn ligament. He was escorted off the court and sent to the hospital where his career fell off a cliff and he has never been even close to as good as he was before his injury. Ligament tears in the knee are one of the worst sports injuries to obtain when as an athlete because they can never go back to how the ligament was to begin with. These injuries are common and happen to everyone, even the

  • ACL Injury Paper

    588 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction The aim of this review paper is to access the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury of the knee (tibiofemoral) joint, which is a common sport and exercise injury related to the musculoskeletal system. Investigation of the anatomy and physiology of the knee joint, and the diagnosis, etiology, pathophysiology, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of ACL injuries will provide a descriptive epidemiology. This will aid readers in making informed management and treatment decisions

  • Charcot Vs Amputation Essay

    1134 Words  | 5 Pages

    CHARCOT FOOT VS TRANSTIBIAL AMPUTATION A transtibial amputation, also known as a bellow knee amputation is one of the most frequently performed amputations. Amputation is a choice for diseased limbs, severe injury to lower limbs for which attempts at salvage can be lengthy, emotionally and financially costly. Transtibial amputations may be performed for the following reasons: -Trauma -Tumors -Infections -Peripheral Vascular Diseases This assignment is based on Amputation vs Charcot foot. Do patients

  • Pain Management In Nursing

    976 Words  | 4 Pages

    Everyone experiences pain at some point. From the patient in the most direct circumstances in urgent care to the little kid with a sprained ankle. Pain is universal. Yet, it continues to plague individuals all over the world. Pain Management and the post-surgery healing processes are a difficult area to study based on the personal nature of how each individual patient deals with and visualizes their own pain and recovery. Still, nursing researchers and practitioners are constantly looking for

  • Meniscus Case Study

    1121 Words  | 5 Pages

    Abstract: A meniscus is a piece of cartilage found where two bones meet. This joint space distributes loads to protect the articular cartilage of the knee joint from too much stress. Injuries to these regions increase the risk for knee osteoarthritis, can disrupt regular function, and do not heal. The goal of meniscus tissue engineering is to use regenerated tissue in order to restore the normal function of the meniscus. The main purpose of this study is to design 3D scaffolds that can maintain the

  • Essay On Achilles Tendinitis

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    The Achilles tendon is a band of fibrous tissue that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. The two-calf muscles that attaches to the heel bone are the gastrocnemius and soleus. The Achilles tendon lower part of the calf that attaches to the calcaneus. The Achilles tendon allows to stand, run, or jump while being on our toes. While doing any movement the calf muscles flex and pull on the heel. With the lack of blood supply, the tendon is more susceptible to injury. Achilles tendinitis most

  • Tibia Fracture Essay

    789 Words  | 4 Pages

    The goal of fracture treatment is to obtain union of the fracture in the most compatible anatomical position which allows maximal and full restoration of the extremity. Distal tibia fractures are primarily located within a square based on the width of the distal tibia1.On the basis of the fracture location in the bone, distal tibia fractures have the second highest incidence of all tibia fractures after the middle fracture of tibia2. The management of these fractures is often more complex than the

  • Essay On Stress Fracture

    814 Words  | 4 Pages

    Risk Factors for Stress Fracture You Should be Wary of Do you know what a stress fracture is? As its name suggests, a stress fracture is a type of fracture that occurs due to the overuse of your muscles and bones. It commonly occurs among athletes since they are actively using their body and do high impact trainings. In a stress fracture, when your muscles undergo a lot of wear and tear, it lessens their ability to absorb impact. Say, you’re a runner and the muscles on your feet undergo a lot

  • Mallet Finger Case Study

    1003 Words  | 5 Pages

    A mallet finger presents itself when there is a sudden struck of force onto a resisting distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint flexion of the finger by an approaching object or even just smashing the fingertip against a stationary object causing pain and tenderness to be exhibit at the dorsum part of the distal phalanx base (Buttaravoli & Leffler, 2012, p.415). The distal phalanges are attached by the extensor tendon which is a projection from the extensor digitorum muscle that allows the finger to be

  • Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Essay

    731 Words  | 3 Pages

    joint dysfunction.3 Mechanism of dysfunction: Dysfunction occurs mostly when a person lifts something in a forward flexed position or stands in lordotic posture. Due to this, line of gravity shifts anterior to the acetabulum which creates rotational force in extension around

  • Essay On Shoulder Dislocation

    719 Words  | 3 Pages

    The heath care provider uses his or her hands to guide the bone into place. Open reduction. In this type the humerus is placed back in the joint with surgery. An open reduction may be recommended if: You have a weak shoulder joint or ligaments. You have had more than one shoulder dislocation. The nerves or blood vessels around your shoulder have been damaged. After the humerus is placed back in the joint, your arm will be placed in a splint or sling to keep it from moving. You

  • Hypervenom Vs Primeknit

    671 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nike Hypervenom II vs Adidas Ace 16.1 Primeknit Soccer cleats, soccer shoes, soccer boots, it really does not matter what you call them, what does matter is the way they impact the game of soccer. The various styles, models, and technologies that soccer cleats have can be a bit confusing. This paper will compare the features of the Nike Hypervenom II and the Adidas Ace 16.1 Primeknits. Both of these shoes are well known in the soccer community and they also are popular among professional soccer players