Batman Begins Essays

  • Jung's Theory In Batman Begins

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    In the film, “Batman Begins” we see the events that led a young Bruce Wayne to become Batman, as well as his first challenges as the Caped Crusader. This essay attempts to apply the theories of Jung and Adler to the hero Bruce, in an attempt to determine which of these two theories applies best to the character. One of Jung’s unique concepts is that of a complex. He defined it as a “pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme”

  • Jungian Archetypes In Batman Begins

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    In the movie, "Batman Begins" there are many instances where Jungian archetypes are hinted at throughout the movie. There are 12 common archetypes and four primal archetypes. Two common archetypes that stood out to me were The Creator and The Caregiver. Lucius Fox is The Creator because he helps Bruce Wayne get the materials he needs to make his alter ego known as Batman. He gets him all of the materials he needs to make his Batsuit and his Batmobile. He is there when Bruce needs anything in order

  • Comparison Of Batman Begins And The Dark Knight

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    The two superhero films directed by Christopher Nolan, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, are both realistic and relatable to viewers. This is because of several aspects such as Nolan’s directing methods, themes, plots and filmic techniques. Additionally, he also uses characters to portray societal hypocrisies. This essay will carefully analyse how Nolan’s commitment to realism enhances the excitement of viewers in both films by carefully exploring the aspects mentioned above. When creating superhero

  • The Hero's Journey In The Odyssey And Batman Begins And The Odyssey

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    exceptional story known as Batman Begins was told through cinematography. Both of these masterpieces have achieved groundbreaking success in having a place in the hearts of its audiences. To begin, both The Odyssey and Batman Begins had plots written under the hero’s journey format. As in many other hero stories, the plot begins with the main characters, Odysseus and Bruce Wayne being called to begin a journey. In The Odyssey, this occurred after the Trojan War, when Odysseus had to begin his journey back

  • Batman Under The Red Hood Analysis

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    In the novel “Batman Under The Red Hood” Batman is fighting whoever is under the red hood. Then Batman’s mask is torn off and the Red Hood takes his hood off and Batman seems to know him but it is kept a mystery from the reader. The story leaves the identity of the person behind the Red Hood a mystery until about halfway through the story. We find that Black Mask is gathering help from Mr. Freeze and Amazo the android that has the powers of the seven members of the Justice League. The Red Hood

  • The Symbol Of Justice In The Dark Knight

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    Batman’s brand of justice, as the symbol that Batman created is torn down. A major plot point in the Dark Knight is the Joker randomly killing people of Gotham until Batman decides to take off his mask. This is the ultimate threat to the idea of Batman. Batman is meant to be an unknown protector of Gotham, this is what makes him so fearful. Criminals are meant to fear even the sight of the Bat symbol. The Joker threatens this very idea, as if Batman takes off his mask is becomes human. Not only that

  • Batman And Tale Of Two Cities Comparison Essay

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    Batman The Dark Knight rises is a Christopher Nolan film about Batman. Nolan draws multiple influences for this film including the source of the story DC comic books and many features of Charles Dicken's novel Tale of Two Cities. To begin, both stories contain letters meant as private confessions being revealed to the public. In Tale of Two Cities, the letter reveals the specifics of his encounter with Evrémonde and that Evrémonde had raped a girl and killed her brother. This letter causes Charles

  • Batman Sociology

    682 Words  | 3 Pages

    is action and violence going on. You see Batman fighting against the criminals to stop crime and you see the Joker doing his criminal work which also include fighting and violence. The story keeps you interested the whole time. You are focused on Batman and the Joker and you see the different ways they work in the city. The movie gets interesting because you see Bruce Wayne live his life as the billionaire playboy but he gets too busy with his life at Batman that he sort of disappears from the world

  • Batman As A Hero

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    Batman (a.k.a. Bruce Wayne) is one of the most iconic superheroes in the history of comics and the world. Although some may consider him a vigilante because of the way he takes justice into his own hands, he is an ally to the people of Gotham, bringing peace to the city in its darkest nights. The story of how Batman came to be can be quite complex and is seen in various versions but in most, Bruce is disgraced by the death of his parents: Thomas (owner of a massive Wayne company) and Martha Wayne

  • Batman And Psychology A Dark And Stormy Night Psychological Analysis

    1326 Words  | 6 Pages

    Bob Kane’s fictional vigilante, Batman, is Gotham City’s greatest hero, capable of overcoming difficult challenges and defeating intimidating opponents. However, does the resilient hero have what it takes to face the struggle of love? In “Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Night”, Travis Langley, the author, delves into the mind of Batman to offer readers his professional opinion regarding Batman’s mental health after experiencing the most unfortunate event of his life, the death of his parents

  • Batman's Superhero

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    Batman, the protagonist in Christopher Nolan’s film Batman Begins ( 2005), The Dark Knight (2008), and The Dark Knight Rises (2012), is portrayed as one of the most iconic superheroes in Marvel films. Simon Locke states “Marvel is famous for having significantly reworked the super-hero genre in the early 1960s, by giving its heroes ‘problems’ making them seem more realistic to many readers” (Locke, 33). Marvel films have succeeded in surprising their audience worldwide by illustrating superheroes

  • Comparison Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde And Batman Begins

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    that a person's true intentions hide behind an invisible mask. Robert Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins bring this idea to light by showing how a man has two sides to himself through the embodiment of evil in Jekyll in the form of Hyde and Bruce Wayne's idea of peace and him maintaining it through Batman, proving that society causes people to keep up appearances and create separate identities to do deeds that they normally wouldn't.

  • The Dark Knight Character Analysis Of Batman

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    The 2008 film directed by Christopher Nolan, “The Dark Knight” is a film of the well known comic book character Batman. The dark knight is the second movie of the trilogy starting with “Batman Begins” in which a young man by the name of Bruce Wayne witnesses his mother and father robbed and murdered by a thug in an alley way upon leaving a play in his home city of Gotham. Bruce would continue to grow into a man that decides to use fear to combat those criminals who utilize fear to prey on their victims

  • How Does Batman Use Cinematic Techniques In The Dark Knight

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    The story’s plot begins with Batman gambling with his war against crime by eradicating the mob that wreaks havoc on the streets of Gotham City. The police lieutenant James Gordon and the newly elected district attorney Harvey Dent assist Batman in his war. However, the situation becomes unstable when the mob lures Batman into a battle with a criminal psychopath dressed as a clown known as "The Joker.” The Joker turns Gotham into his own little playground of chaos and forces Batman to cross the fine

  • Batman Symbolism In The Dark Knight

    2155 Words  | 9 Pages

    as a symbol ... as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting” (Batman Begins). Batman is one of the most popular superheroes of all time. Although he has no superpowers, his willpower and intelligence combined with his physical prowess, and ingenuity make him an incredibly dangerous opponent. In his secret identity he puts on the mask of Bruce Wayne, billionaire, playboy. In Christopher Nolan’s trilogy, Batman combats crime and faces several villains and their plots to wreak havoc and

  • Batman Returns In The Movie Batman

    1345 Words  | 6 Pages

    Slide 2: • Batman -1989 • Batman Returns – 1992 • Batman Begins – 2005 • Dark Knight – 2008 Slide 3: • 1 dimensional • Simply batman>We know very little about why he is batman and also very little about why he is doing what he is doing. It is hardly mentioned that his parents died and we have to come to our own conclusions which are that he is getting revenge on the joker for killing his parents to restore justice to the city of darkness. • He is very arrogant because he believes he can get rid

  • Poseidon Vs Joker

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    actions or motives are important to the plot, they are terrorist’s in cartoons. Poseidon is from the Odyssey, and The Joker is from Batman. Even though, there are many villain throughout movies, books, and TV shows, the two best ones are “Odysseus” and “Batman”. It is true that Poseidon is a villain because he is vengeful, powerful and cruel, but he never kills anyone. To begin, Poseidon is vengeful. According to the text, “Poseidon heard his prayer, and the curse of the cyclops has persue me ever since

  • What Are The Villains In The Joker

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    from the Batman™ series and Darth Vader from the Star Wars™ franchise. Specifically the Joker from the movie, The Dark Knight, and Darth Vader from “Star Wars: New Hope”. Both villains have forceful and necessary roles. The characters, The Joker and Darth Vader, have contrasting motives but are similar in playing the villain role and are indispensable in the movie 's success. The Joker and Darth Vader have a unique appearances setting them apart from the other characters in the films. Batman has been

  • The Dark Knight Rises Analysis

    1678 Words  | 7 Pages

    RISES SUBMITTED BY: RITWIK DASH ROLL NO: 2012-52 1ST YEAR, 1ST SEMESTER SUBMITTED TO: PROF. AMITA DHANDA Professor of Law NALSAR UNIVERSITY OF LAW, HYDERABAD Review The Dark Knight Rises is the third and final installment in a trilogy of Batman movies directed by Christopher Nolan. As a student of Legal methods, it is my personal opinion that an appreciation of the movie becomes engaging on deconstructing the motivation and reasons behind the antagonist’s drive in obliterating the city of

  • Heroism In The Joker

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    concern for life joker has. Even when the Joker works with someone or he hires someone to work for him he dose'nt care at all for that person, he would be willing to kill them one second and tell a joke to them the next. The Joker's nemisis however, the Batman loves his sidekicks and would be willing to die for anyone of them.  One of Joker's special qualities that he also has is that no one really knows why he is joker. Joker is just Joker because of something that happened in his past. So what i am trying