Final examination Essays

  • On Growing Up Analysis

    1350 Words  | 6 Pages

    “Even though you’re growing up, you should never stop having fun” - Nina Dobrev. Growing up is about learning new things, but not forgetting what was fun in the past. For kids, growing up means everything is new and unknown, and for some it is terrifying. In literature, characters develop and show physical and/or mental growth as the plot progresses. The authors of “Bangs,” “On Turning 10,” and To Kill a Mockingbird use literary tools to convey the theme of growing up, and show how children in the

  • Should Cell Phones Be Allowed In The Classroom?

    702 Words  | 3 Pages

    phones “…you're creating a space where students will come to unplug from their otherwise hyper-connected life and to focus on the single task of learning.” The evidence conveys the advantages to not having phones in the classroom to a “T” and This final reason proves that the idea of phones being in the classroom should be disregarded, because there are just way too many issues surrounding

  • Persuasive Essay On Extending School Hours

    826 Words  | 4 Pages

    Schools provide students with work that can be tedious, which already takes up a large part of their time after school hours. Imagine if the school board decided to extend school hours, it would only make it difficult for students to so do. School hours should not be extended because it limits a student’s personal time, puts more stress on them, and reduces time for extracurricular activities. It limits their time for personal work, such as chores, family time, and time spent with friends. If the

  • Alienation And Identity In Margaret Atwood's The Animals In That Country

    1788 Words  | 8 Pages

    Margaret Atwood, an internationally acclaimed novelist, poet and short story writer is widely considered as a major figure in Canadian litrature. In her works, she focuses on the themes of alienation and self-identity. As a poet, her works concentrate on the question of identity with as much pasion as Neruda and Walcott. There is a style and force in her writing.The major themes of Atwood’s poetry include the inconsistencies of self-perception, the Canadian identity and experience, the paradoxical

  • Who Is The Antagonist In Icebreaker

    873 Words  | 4 Pages

    Directions: Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. Title: Icebreaker Author: Lian Tanner Genre: Fiction Write the names of the most important characters in the story and identify the relationships between these characters. The major characters are Petrel, Finn, Missus Slink, Mister Smoke. In the beginning Petrel, Missus Slink and Mister Smoke have a strong bond because Petrel has no where to stay and of course rats have to hide away to. Eventually when Finn comes he does not

  • Authentic Learning: The Importance Of Learning In Education

    958 Words  | 4 Pages

    I realized that teaching is not considered as merely transmitting knowledge and information to students. First of all, I understand that learning should take place in authentic and real-world environments. According to Piaget (1954), the learner must be active to be engaged in real learning. Learning is a process of interacting with the outside world (Brown et al., 1989; Lave & Wenger, 1991). In the early 20th century, John Dewey (1933) advocated the use of authentic tasks can help students acquire

  • Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing

    1519 Words  | 7 Pages

    Standardized Tests and Final Exams: The Assessments Which May Determine a Student’s Future Intro: Excellent test scores show excellent schooling, while poor test scores show poor schooling. That has become the value of standardized tests in schools over the years (Popham, James). Additionally, those tests can write the entire future of a student, starting at the point when doing poorly on a standardized test can ruin your hope of getting into a good college. But the question is: is the stress

  • Why We Should Not Be Allowed To Use Phones In School

    739 Words  | 3 Pages

    Phones have become more popular today. Every where you go they are glued to students and adult's hands. New phones are coming out every year, and students just can not seem to let their phones go. These students always have these phones by their side, in class, and not in class, they always have them. Students are addicted to these phones, so what do the teachers, and administrators do about these phones during school hours? Many people think that students should use their phone in class, but there

  • Everlasting Ivy Character Analysis

    1173 Words  | 5 Pages

    When reading books often the reader compares themselves to the main character to relate to them or get a different perspective on a situation they've never have been in personally. In the book Everlasting, Ivy and I have different attributes that draw us apart and similarities that we can both relate to. Despite us both being the main characters of our story Ivy's story being Everlasting and my story being my life, we have many differences that can greatly show how different we really are. Many people

  • Cell Phones Should Be Banned In School Essay

    872 Words  | 4 Pages

    It has come to my concern that the Oak Hills school is considering lifting the strict no cell phone policy at school. Many people say that cell phones can be used as a teaching tool and that students need to use them correctly. I think cell phones should be banned from school because not all the students have cell phones, they can be used inappropriately, and they are negatively affecting student’s grades. Not every one of the students at Oak Hills have cell phones. In fact, several students at Oak

  • Pet Assisted Activities Research Paper

    895 Words  | 4 Pages

    activity happens in the end of the semester when students are under a great stress and have a very busy schedule, they may not be willing to participate and this activity may affect students’ study for final exams. But some studies show that students welcome to have pet-assisted activity during their final exams. What’s more, pet-assisted activity may not be the most effective activity for students to reduce their stress. Pet-assisted

  • Acetylsalicylic Acid Synthesis Lab Report

    704 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lab Report 5: Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) Synthesis Name: Divya Mehta Student #: 139006548 Date Conducted: November 19th 2014 Date Submitted: November 26th 2014 Partner’s Name: Kirsten Matthews Lab Section: Wednesday 2:30 L9 IAs Name: Brittany Doerr Procedure: For the procedure, see lab manual (CH110 Lab Manual, Fall 2014) pages 96-98. Wilfrid Laurier University Chemistry Department. Fall 2014. Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) Synthesis. Pages 96-98 in Chemistry 110 Lab Manual. Wilfrid Laurier

  • Judy Blume Research Paper

    285 Words  | 2 Pages

    I researched Judy Blume. Threw this project,mostly the first half of it, I have learned that Judy Blume is a famous author with two kids, like seven pets, and famous books that I have never heard of! I know this is going to sound weird but, the only reason I picked Blume is because I didn’t feel like doing William Shakespeare.Come on if you are looking at people to do for a research project who would you pick a dude with a boring,normal name or someone named Judy Blume? After I figured out that she

  • Argumentative Essay On Getting Good Grades

    775 Words  | 4 Pages

    In today’s society, a large amount of emphasis is placed on getting good grades. Day in and day out students are told that getting good grades is detrimental to their future. Unfortunately what many students are not told is that their intelligence is not defined by the marks they receive, but rather intelligence is defined by so much more than a letter on a report card. Albert Einstein once said, “Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole

  • Personal Narrative: If I Am An Ordinary College Student

    753 Words  | 4 Pages

    If anyone looked at me they would think I am an ordinary college student. I wake up every morning wishing to get a couple more seconds of sleep. I make my way to school I listen, I learn, I make my way back home and I study, or depending on the day I go to work. Some days are as simple and relaxing as these, but some are not. Some days I wish to get hours of sleep, I can sleep for 9 hours and still manage to not want to get out of bed. If I could I would just lay there all day and cry. But it is

  • The Myths In The Arc Light Analysis

    1105 Words  | 5 Pages

    Discussing Lewis’ style in the Moths in the Arc Light Photography is one of the key inventions of the humanity. The famous saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” shows how much can be conveyed through a single picture. Yet, it can be ambiguous and be perceived differently by people. There are writers who, however, are able to create meticulous descriptions that are on par with photographs in the sense of imagery. Moreover, there are also authors whose style in general resembles a process

  • ASDA Is The Public Sector

    447 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ghost Assignment The two local organisations which I have chosen is: ASDA & Baby Gear Charity Asda is the public sector which I have chosen and we have to know what public sector is before carrying on. Public sector is a sector in an organisation which provide the basic services from the government. What are they? ASDA is a British supermarket and commonly known for the food and clothes. ASDA is a local grocery shop which is very popular

  • Emotional Limitations In Elizabeth Bishop's The Man-Moth

    953 Words  | 4 Pages

    Emotional limitations cause discontent when our ailments control our decisions and hold us back. In Elizabeth Bishop’s poem, “The Man-Moth” and in Tennessee Williams's, The Glass Menagerie, the male protagonists in both stories face limitations. These emotional limitations drive The Glass Menagerie’s Tom to make irrational choices that were made when the dissatisfaction became too much to bear; this similar situation is found with “The Man-Moth’s” Man-Moth. The negative effect and discontent caused

  • Essay On Perseverance

    940 Words  | 4 Pages

    “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself” (Campbell 1). When thinking of heroes, what often comes up on people’s mind are movie stars and professional athletes. But when thinking of heroes in all types of mythology, there are always some traits that are common or standout which help them complete their quest. In the myths, Lord of the Rings, Theseus and the Minotaur, and Savitri and Satayavan, the hero often possesses the traits of perseverance and the willingness

  • Discuss Tuckman's Stages Of Team Development

    705 Words  | 3 Pages

    You can't expect a new team to perform well when it first comes together. Through time many team development theories have been set with the aim of better understanding team work and accomplishing the given task as efficient as possible. Such as Tuckman’s group development stages; in his theory he recognizes that teams develop through different stages, from forming to performing. These are the stages we will be explained in the following paragraphs. The team Tuckman studied was small groups’ behavior