Oedipus at Colonus Essays

  • Hubris In Oedipus At Colonus

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    A second reinforcement of hubris by Sophocles is in Oedipus at Colonus. It is at the segment in the play when Oedipus is under host of Theseus, King of Athens, and King Creon of Thebes comes to take Oedipus for himself. Creon only wants Oedipus back from banishment because wherever Oedipus dies, there will be prosperity. However, Oedipus will not honor the city where his sons banished him from when he is not guilty. King Theseus accuses Creon

  • Kateb Yacine's Intelligence Powder Analysis

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    Kateb Yacine’s Intelligence Powder is a play that looks at post-colonial Algeria and how France affected it as their oppressor. In July 1962 Algeria achieved independence after a bitter war lasting over seven years. Some 300,000 Algerians died to win their nation's freedom. The war was fought brutally on both sides, but the need for a violent independence struggle was deeply rooted in the violence French imperialism had imposed on Algeria for over a century (Birchall, n.d.). The hero of Intelligence

  • Destiny In The Iliad

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    “My divine mother, silver-footed Thetis, says that destiny has left two courses open to me on my journey to the grave. If I stay here and fight it out round Ilium, there is no home-coming for me, but there will be eternal glory instead. If I go back to the land of my fathers, my heroic glory will be forfeit, but my life will be long and I shall be spared an early death.” (Achilles to Odysseus, Homer, 2003a, p. 154) In Homer’s Iliad, Achilles is the only major character who well foreknows of his

  • Character Analysis Of Iago In Othello

    880 Words  | 4 Pages

    Iago Iago, the triumphant villain within Othello is a perplexing character, his true intentions are buried deep in deception and deviance that help create who he is. The heinous goals he sets out to achieve are unfathomable, yet without his presence Othello would be nothing more than a romantic drama. Iago is the villain we love to hate; he is the sole instigator of the tragic events that take place within Othello. And yet still Iago is one of the most complex characters within Shakespearean tragedy

  • Moral Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

    734 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Moral courage is the highest expression of humanity…” (Nader).Ralph Nader illustrates his opinion on what he thinks moral courage is. Many people in the book “ To kill a Mockingbird” and the articles show moral courage. For example both Atticus and Malala demonstrate moral courage by standing up for other people's rights as well as their own. Moral courage is people who are willing to take risks for the good of others and those who both have leadership. Moral courage is shown in Atticus

  • Free Will: Fate And Fate In The Tragedy Of Macbeth

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    One of the most critical ideas surrounding tragedies is fate and destiny. The idea that an individual’s life is predetermined is associated with many great works of Shakespeare, and transcending through stories, if human beings have free will. If all humans carry free will, does that mean that all humans are responsible for their crimes and inhumanities. Undoubtedly, both topics are explored through the play, but Macbeth corrupts himself with his own destructive actions. The Tragedy of Macbeth stems

  • Compare And Contrast Long Day's Journey Into Night And John Proctor

    809 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the Crucible by Arthur Miller which protagonist is John Proctor, his desire to do what is right because of his reputation, his name in the town was synonymous with integrity and pride, all he wanted was respect. Notwithstanding, Elizabeth gave him his respect he deserved after his death, and Mary Tyrone, the protagonist of Long Day’s Journey into Night by Eugene O’Neill does not want people to know that she’s addicted to morphine after Edmund’s birth. She’s the main focus of the play because each

  • Men's Roles In Angelo-Saxon Times

    900 Words  | 4 Pages

    During the Angelo-Saxon period (410-787 A.D.), men were described to be the dominant role of the society. They were the heads of their household, protecting and providing for the family by completing strenuous labor. Men’s role in the Angelo-Saxon period was so prominent that it tremendously overshadowed their counterparts-women. Women were treated as submissive beings who followed every order given by their husbands or fathers, not even uttering a word to argue about serious matters that involved

  • Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Research Paper

    1065 Words  | 5 Pages

    Have you ever watched a movie or a tv show, or even read a book, in which any character has two different sides? It was probably..., the good one and the evil one? And those sides are always opposites… Right? If this plot is not a strange thing to you, have you ever thought why is this idea/theme so present in many ways inside the pop culture? In 1886 the book "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", written by Robert Louis Stevenson, was released and became one of the most popular Stevenson's

  • Theme Of Kim Jong-Un In Antigone

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    OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!! Despite not actually being the Red Queen, this essentially sounds like the mindset of three ruthless leaders in today’s society: Kim Jong-Un, Vladimir Putin, and Bashar al-Assad. In the play Antigone, Sophocles’ use of the character Creon demonstrates a universal theme of the misuse of power and hubris that can be applied to anyone, anywhere - including many people in modern society, such as Kim Jong-Un, Vladimir Putin, and Bashar al-Assad. All three of them take advantage

  • Analysis Of The Human Abstract By William Blake

    1549 Words  | 7 Pages

    Human Abstract – IOP Script William Blake was a mystic. Blake’s poetry and artworks are entrenched with intrinsic obscurity, evoking inexplicable and eccentric thoughts within the reader. He embedded new and intellectual concepts into his work; ideas that not many people, until recently, have had the courage to dig deep into. Portraying the tensions between human and divine, The Human Abstract highlights human’s abstract reasoning that is destructive of joy and stimulates the arise of false virtues

  • Oedipus Vs Creon

    1497 Words  | 6 Pages

    Question - King Oedipus has been called a tragedy of the state as well as of the individual (Implying the Thebes will suffer under Creon). Look closely at the qualities of Creon and Oedipus, and present your research materials to your group. Ensure your group discusses who the better leader is: Oedipus or Creon. Lesson Breakdown: TIME LEADER’S ROLE PARTICIPANTS’ ROLE MATERIALS 14 min Objective: To get my group members thinking about Oedipus and Creon’s character and how they will affect the other

  • Adversity In The Film 'Whale Rider'

    838 Words  | 4 Pages

    702321504 PRT Essay When faced with adversity, the will to fight back is a courageous characteristic that is quite natural for certain individuals. As human beings we face obstacles on a daily basis. They are not necessarily life changing problems that will forever affect us however there is always some challenge waiting just around the corner. Everyone’s reaction to a challenging situation varies and is different and unique to them personally. Pai from the film Whale Rider by Lisa Gerrard has

  • Feminism In A Streetcar Named Desire

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    A Streetcar Named Desire is a story told from a women’s perspective. The story develops as the protagonist, Blanche DuBois. Tennessee Williams lets readers to follow a women’s experience under a patriarchal society and how women lives their lives in the 20th century: powerless, submissive, dependent and chaste. In the story, Stella has created an image of women should be submissive and compliant. “[She backs out of sight. He advances and disappears. There is the sound of a blow. Stella cries out

  • The Individual In Ayn Rand's Anthem

    1239 Words  | 5 Pages

    ‘‘We are nothing mankind is all , By the grace of our brothers are we allowed our lives ‘’ Ayn rand the author of Anthem wrote the book after she left Russia because of the war, she moved to New York writing Anthem a dystopia about the future of mankind In her novella there are two major themes talking about the collective society vs. individualism were every one is the same nobody has the authority to be a individual also the council of vocations determines there jobs life and future the people

  • Theme Of Memory In The Moonstone

    1372 Words  | 6 Pages

    In the novel ‘The Moonstone’ by Wilkie Collins, memory is an important theme in the novel as it sets out the backbone of the book. It allows the author to structure however he chooses and in this case each person in the novel allows the reader to read their narrative. Not only that but considering that this was a detective novel, memory is what any detective in the Victorian times would have used and so it is important especially in discovering who had stolen the Moonstone. There was no other alternative

  • Salty Water In William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

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    Twelfth Night is a story of loss, tragedy, and love that is masquerading as a romantic comedy of sorts a perfect example of Shakespeare’s true talents of expressing deep metaphor in very interesting ways. This is a play about the ocean deep, salty, unpredictable, rough and difficult to navigate but after enough time and understanding, you can see the beauty in the deep blue water. The salty water seems very basic and easy to understand but upon closer inspection, you can see the true depth and complexity

  • Redemption In Les Miserables

    1905 Words  | 8 Pages

    Redemption Redemption is a patterned journey, failure or betrayal, consequences and the Road of Redemption. The characters in fables and in life, inspired from their failures to go and prove themselves worthy. The end goal of redemption is worthiness, is what they are trying to acclaim. It appears as the main theme in literature, film, and other art forms including Tom Brady’s 5th super bowl ring, which was a road of redemption. In the book Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, the main character

  • Henrik Ibsen In A Doll's House

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    A DOLL’S HOUSE – HENRIK IBSEN In Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll's House, Torvald and his wife, Nora, live a middle class, conservative life with three children. Nora stays at home while Torvald works as a manager at a bank. Nora fits in a role of the little helpless wife whose husband takes care of everything. During the play, she keeps a secret from her husband that eventually leads to the destruction of her marriage. When the secret surfaces, Nora finds out what kind of man she was married to. Maybe

  • Happiness And Happiness In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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    Truth lies within the trite phrase that ignorance is bliss. When one is unaware of a bad circumstance, she cannot fixate on the event and let it get in her way. Yet, this human longing for bliss and perfection has caused society to increase its unconsciousness in a way that is so artificial that the shortcomings of modern society were able to be accurately predicted by an intelligent man, Aldous Huxley, in 1932. While the society he described strived for bliss, it descended into ignorance, and