Population Essays

  • China's Aging Population

    1226 Words  | 5 Pages

    China's population is aging. In 1999, China's elderly population (ages 60 and older) reached 10 percent, formally marking China as an aging society by international standards (Zhan, 2013). According to the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China (2012), the population for people who over 60 and 65 were about 190 million (13.7%) and 122 million (9.1%) in 2011, respectively. By 2030, people who are over 60 and 65 will account for 23% and 16% of the total population, respectively

  • Aging Population In China

    1103 Words  | 5 Pages

    China's population is ageing. By 2050 more than a quarter of the population will be over 65 years old and young generations will face an extraordinary burden. China now has been moving toward lessening family planning restrictions in recent years because of some factors, including a looming labor crisis. China’s working age population is drastically shrinking. Based on the United Nations projects, China will lose 67 million workers from 2010 to 2030. Meanwhile, China’s elder population is expected

  • Black Population In Liberia

    966 Words  | 4 Pages

    BLACK & NON-BLACK COUNTRIES COMPARED Liberia: Area size is 43,000 sq. miles. Population is 3million. By the year 1820 black population in the United States of America had reached its optimum level. Ship loads of More black African slaves were brought to the Americas every day for sale. The whites foresaw future potential threat to their racial domination and supremacy. That black population was increasing at a faster rate than white people, hence measures should be taken to prevent

  • Global Population

    1094 Words  | 5 Pages

    In the wake of perusing the papers about Global population I accept that there has been a quick increment in the world's human population in the course of the last few decades. Unless pressing steps are taken to control population, genuine issues can emerge like environment harm and restricted accessibility of sustenance assets. Constant population growth can be issue and along these lines it is critical to see how we can oversee population growth for the profit of all. Individuals have attempted

  • Hispanic Population Research Paper

    307 Words  | 2 Pages

    reported that the Hispanic population is becoming the largest ethnic minority in the country. For example, in 1980, Hispanics made up 6.4 % of the total population in the United States (US); and in 2000, the Hispanic population grew to over 12.5 % of the total population in the United States (US). It is projected that European Americans will numerically become a minority in the upcoming years, and that the Hispanic population will constitute 31 percent of the nation 's population by 2060, making the United

  • Essay On China Population Law

    916 Words  | 4 Pages

    The population law in China is a law invented in the late 1970s by the government in china. To begin with there was only a one child policy where a soon to be mother could only have one baby. If the mother were to be pregnant with twins or triplets they would be aborted immediately. A couple of years later announced that if you were the only sibling in your family you were able to have two children.This law has created less population decreasing traffic on roads having plenty of space and homes for

  • Latino Population Research Paper

    289 Words  | 2 Pages

    ethnic creation of the U.S. population has changed particularly. Minorities are expanding their vicinity in the United States and will keep on doing as such for years to come. The Latino population is driving these changes. While today one of each eight inhabitants of the United States is Latino, it is anticipated that Latinos could represent one of each five occupants. Immigration from Latin America and the attendant growth of the nation 's Hispanic or Latino population are two of the most important

  • Aging Population Analysis

    944 Words  | 4 Pages

    Aging population: How to ensure a well-functioning society Nowadays, more and more countries have grown to an aging society. Worse still, this aging rate seems to accelerate. In 1900, only 5% of the British population was 65 and over, which increased to10.8% by 1950 and 15.8% by 2000, and is estimated to rise to 24.7% by 2050 (Torp, 2015). This problem is even much more severe in Japan, whose people aged 65 and over make up ¼ of its population (Torp, 2015). The whole society is unhealthy

  • Japan's Shrinking Population Analysis

    1566 Words  | 7 Pages

    of aging population demographics. David Swinbanks, the managing director Asia & Australasia Region at Nature America, Inc, explains Japan's demographics, "The population of people over 65 will rise rapidly to 32 million by 2015, constituting a quarter of the population, while the working-age population, aged 15-64, that has to support them, will fall from 87 to 76 million." The population of people over 65 is rising rapidly to the point in which they outnumber the working age population. Japan is

  • Hispanic Population Case Study

    748 Words  | 3 Pages

    What do the US Census statistics reveal about the needs of the Latino population and the allocation of political resources? The U.S census, reveals that the Latino population has being increasing exponentially, that very soon will be the majority in the country. However, the percentage of Latinos pursuing higher education is not matching with the growth of the population. Therefore, Latinos have being marginalized in the sense of higher education in the U.S, since the specific policies don’t have

  • Essay On America's Diverse Population

    787 Words  | 4 Pages

    America’s Diverse Population In the nineteenth century, rates of immigration across the world increased. Within thirty years, over eleven million immigrants came to the United States. There were new types of people migrating than what the United States were used to seeing as well. Which made people from different backgrounds and of different race work and live in tight spaces together; causing them to be unified. Not only did they immigrate to the United States, there were cities all over the world

  • Population Changes In Germany

    1018 Words  | 5 Pages

    In the course of 55 years, Germany’s population has increased from 73.3 million in 1960 to 82.6 to the present day. It is predicted that by the next century, Germany’s population will drop to 56.9 million. Germany has an inconsistent amount of people in different age groups; more retired people than working age or children group. Hence, a multitudinous effect to the population, thus population change. Manifestly Germany’s population has evidently been decreasing right after the country has reached

  • Population Growth Theory

    1772 Words  | 8 Pages

    . Thomas Robert Malthus can be acknowledged to have laid the foundation and paved the way to future theorists interest in the subject of population growth being a major problem with dire consequences such as poverty and misery. Extensive research on the topic has been done thereafter and a great deal of the theorists concluded that population growth is a problem but moreover it can potentially hinder development as more people equate to a higher demand on resources, services, food and employment

  • Population Growth In China

    3051 Words  | 13 Pages

    largest population that covers 20% of the world since the 19th century. This is related to its huge size and some other reasons. However, China has faced two major problems in the past that affected its population to decrease rapidly. The first problem happened after World War II era and it was about the famine that Chinese people suffered. The second problem was in the 1970s, the birth rate in China reduced faster than any other country. In addition, several factors caused China’s population to decline

  • Population Differences Between Australia And Vietnam

    1163 Words  | 5 Pages

    Differences in the population structure between both countries are evident (Appendix 1). An ageing population is the trend in Denmark while Vietnam's population pyramid is typical of a developing county: a wide base and the biggest population concentration among the groups aged 10 to 30. Vietnam's growing population makes it an attractive market for overseas companies; most of the population is in its prime working and spending years. Whereas for Denmark the challenge is that of population stagnation, with

  • Population Trend: Demographic Transition Model

    1018 Words  | 5 Pages

    Population Trend (Demographic Transition Model) - There are 5 stages in population trend - Stage 1: High fluctuating – easy to get infected by the diseases, huger and natural hazards. (Ex. Tribes in Amazon) - Stage 2: Early expanding – having a more stabilized life, which having access to the basic supplies. (Ex. Very impoverished country) - Stage 3: Late expanding – most low-income countries. - Stage 4: Low fluctuating – most middle and high-income countries. - Stage 5: Contracting - The rate of

  • Population Health Promotion Model Analysis

    1417 Words  | 6 Pages

    Application of Population Health Promotion Model to Reduce the Impact of Healthy Immigrant effect amongst the Visible Minority Immigrant Women Population Living in Ontario The immigrant population makes up 20.6% of the total Canadian population and this number is predicted to increase to 25% and 28% by 2031 (Statistics Canada, 2013). As noted in the statistical report by Chui (2011), every one in five women in Canada, is born outside of Canada, and 73% of this population is from the visible minority

  • Vulnerable Population Observation

    1495 Words  | 6 Pages

    Vulnerable Population Observation: Low-Income Communities Poverty is a vicious cycle of lifelong barriers and troubles passed on from one generation to the next. It’s harsh effects on health and education start early on in a child’s life and continues to accumulate throughout their adult life. Living in a stress-filled home, not having a stable nutritional diet, living in toxic environments, and dealing with healthcare gaps of every kind, cripple individuals and families. Recent economic crises have

  • 'The Population Bomb' By Clyde Haberman

    298 Words  | 2 Pages

    1960’s, the world was in a state of anxiety with regards to the growing fear of population explosion and the millions of people that were estimated to starve to death, thanks to Paul R. Ehrlich and his 1968 book, “The Population Bomb”. Contrary to Ehrlich’s theory, Clyde Haberman in his article, “The Unrealized Horrors of Population Explosion” explains that our most threatening population problem is not population growth, but rather the population’s destruction of the planet (Haberman, 2015). Haberman

  • Effects Of Human Population Growth

    912 Words  | 4 Pages

    in human population around the world affects all people through its impact on the economy and environment. The current rate of population growth is now a significant burden to human well-being. In the past, infant and childhood deaths and short life spans used to limit population growth. In today 's world, thanks to improved nutrition, sanitation, and medical care, more babies survive their first few years of life. Rapid human population growth has a variety of consequences. Population grows faster