Psychometrics Essays

  • Disadvantages Of Psychometric Tests

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    structure or order thought or behaviour in particular ways ' (The British Psychological Society). The psychometric tests which companies make use of when selecting among job applicants have the potential to provide us with information about the kind of skills which employers are really looking for and they do provide additional information to that available in skill surveys. Psychometric tests are most likely to be used for managerial and graduate vacancies, and are seldom used for manual

  • Psychometric Analysis Essay

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    Psychometric test is used to identify the mental characteristic of people and put a measurement against such characteristic (Roberts, 2005). Most of the psychometric tests are professionally designed by occupational psychologists with detailed manuals providing the data to establish the reliability of the test and how test scores might be judged. They are scored in a standardized manner so that employers can compare their test candidates against the scores of relevant populations (CIPD, 2015). The

  • Psychometric Assessment

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    Introduction Lately it is not only psychologists who rely on psychometric assessments, but almost every competing organisation out there. There is an ever-growing need for psychological assessments to determine whether a candidate is the right “fit” for the available position within a company. Not only should the candidate “fit” into the organisation but it is also important to determine whether the candidate has the correct competencies to be successful within the available role. As the HR Manager

  • Self Reflection Of Psychometrics

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    Introduction Psychometrics, and the role personality plays within the workplace, has had significant correlations through the research which has taken place to date. Alder (1996) found that by “using dispositions as a starting point, we are more likely to find behavioural coherence across work and non-work settings”. Taking Adler’s research into account, a theory based self-reflection will be conducted on three styles identified; interpersonal, team-working and leadership, and a personal development

  • Psychometric Assessment Essay

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    important factor. So it should be a part of psychometric assessment tool. 9) Legal_Knowledge Legal_Knowledge Frequency Percent Valid Percent Valid Most Important 21 42.85714 42.85714 Somewhat Important 15 30.61224 30.61224 Very little Important 12 24.4898 24.4898 Not Required at all 1 2.040816 2.040816 Total 49 100 100 More than 60% of respondents consider legal knowledge as an important factor. So it should be a part of psychometric assessment tool. 10) Economic_Knowledge

  • Examples Of Psychometric Profiling

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    Psychometric Profiling The 15FQ+ carried out is based on Cattell’s 16 personality constructs (Cattell, 1946) and McCrae and Costa (1987) big five personality traits, assessing personality and individual differences. The 15FQ+ report provides an in-depth assessment of an employee’s needs and developments and is a powerful tool to select the right individuals for key positions in organisations. It can benefit organisations to carry out this test to achieve organisational fit amongst its employees.

  • The Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing

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    faced with the same question that is: of these numerous tests, which should they incorporate into their clinical practice? The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the quality of standardized tests that were measured by the test’s psychometric properties is in fact related to how frequently the tests are used in clinical practice. A survey using 364 speech language pathologists

  • Personality Assessment Inventory Paper

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    The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) was designed by Leslie C. Morey in 1991 as an alternative for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory revised (MMPI-2) to provide relevant information to make a clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and screening for Axis I and Axis II psychopathology in patients 18 or older. However, the PAI does offer both child and adolescent versions in which a psychologist may utilize this assessment personality on these individuals known as the PIC for children

  • Epidemiologic Studies Depression: A Case Study Paper

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    outcomes. The CESD-10 is widely use in studies, but however researchers indicate of considering a briefer analysis by excluding one both positive word item. Researcher in the studies conducted testing the CESD-10 scale with both Classic Test Theory psychometrics and Rasch analysis because based of their previous concerns about the positively worded items. The data was drawn from two sources including CESD, and The League of Experienced Family Caregivers (LEFC) between July 2005 and March

  • WISC-IV Critique

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    This critique will be reviewing the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV). The WISC-IV was authored by David Weschler and was published by PsychCorp, which is a brand of Harcourt Assessment Inc in 2003 (Plake, 2005). The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fourth Generation can take anywhere from 65-80 minutes to administer and should be done individually (Plake, 2005). In The Sixteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook Plake (2005) states, an individual administering

  • Rorschach Validity Analysis

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    The validity of the Rorschach is difficult to compute for multiple reasons. Validity usually refers to how well a test measures a particular construct it intends to measure (Hess, 2001). The open-nature of the Rorschach yields a multitude of answers, which makes it difficult to compare outcomes among different individuals. Additionally, this test is utilized in multiple settings to measure multiple constructs such as intelligence, emotions, pathology, etc (Hess, 2001). The interpretation and score

  • WAIS-IV Essay

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    The WAIS-IV is administered and scored by a professional who has been trained in test protocol and interpretation. The test takes approximately one hour to 90 minutes, and has 10 core subtests which make up four index scores, VCI, PRI, WMI and PSI. The VCI is a measure of verbal concept formation, verbal reasoning, and knowledge acquired from one’s environment. The PRI is a measure of perceptual and fluid reasoning, spatial processing, and visual-motor integration. The WMI is a measure of working

  • TA Concept Paper

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    Many of the early studies in this area were psychometric studies that attempted to construct a valid, self-report, measure of TA. Budner (1962) defined TA as “the tendency to perceive ambiguous situations as desirable” and set about one of the first measures in the field. McLain (1993) included contextual information, defining TA as “a range, from rejection to attraction, of reactions to stimuli perceived as unfamiliar, complex, dynamically uncertain or subject to multiple conflicting interpretations”

  • Mini Mental Status Assessment

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    sensitivity of 62.5% and specificity of 89.7%. Besides this it has also been validated against MMSE which showed 81.3%, and 89.7% of sensitivity and specificity respectively. Thus, this tools is not just education & culture bias free but also holds good psychometric properties. Barthel

  • Journal Of Consulting Psychology-Crowne & Marlowe (1960)

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    Crowne & Marlowe (1960). A new scale of social desirability independent of psychopathology. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 24, 349-354. (I/II) The Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale was created by Psychology researchers Douglas P. Crowne, and David Marlowe and published in the August 1960s’ 24th edition of the Journal of Consulting Psychology (Crowne & Marlowe, 1960). The purpose of the scale is to measure the tendency of individuals to give socially desirable responses (Crowne & Marlowe

  • Explain Why There Are Two General Thoughts/Theories About The Structure Of Intelligence

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    1. What is an “IQ”? How is it computed? If someone has an “IQ” of 100 what does this mean in terms of knowledge? IQ is the measure for intelligence. Tests are given which come up with a score that is considered the mental age, which is divided by the chronical or actual age and multiplied by 100 (Garrett, 2011). IQ scores are thought to fall on a normal curve with 100 being the mean or average. Each standard deviation away from that score (above or below) accounts for a percentage of the population

  • Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing

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    dependability of observational evaluation methods available to test basic movement abilities in kids at school. The study's authors found that many of the observational assessment tools used to measure fundamental movement skills needed better psychometric

  • Personality Testing And Competency Analysis

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    Personality Testing and Competency Amy Wilhelm Kaplan University PS505: Testing, Measurement and Assessment Dr. Raymond Brogan January 13, 2015 Personality Testing and Competency In the field of psychology, testing and assessment is key in giving clients the proper diagnoses followed by the correct and most appropriate form of intervention required. One area that is well known to many is that of personality tests. There are numerous forms of personality tests available including those

  • Executive Dysfunction

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    is an assessment tool that was created in 2000 by a team of neuropsychologist and other licensed psychologist who have specialized in working with children. The following sections will discuss the assessments brief history and primary purpose, psychometric properties, basic format and administration, scoring, and appropriate use by population and cultural considerations. Brief History and Primary Purpose Gerard Gioia, Peter Isquith, Robert Roth, Steven Guy, Lauren Kenworthy, and Kimberly Andrews

  • English Language Standardized Test

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    This information alongside a standardized test can give a clinician a clear picture of where a client falls in comparison to their peers. Betz, Rickhoff, and Sullivan (2013) found, “the quality of a standardized test, as measured by the test’s psychometric properties, does not appear to influence how often it is used.” In order to successfully and ethically do their job, SLPs are required to make the strongest decisions and recommendations they can based on the data available, keeping in mind that