Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed Essays

  • Taking A Look At The Murder Of Mr. Karazai

    473 Words  | 2 Pages

    The task of this investigation was to determine wether or not Mr. Karazai hung himself or if there was fowl play involved in his death. On May 16th, 2006, Mr. Anton Karazai was found dead in the piano room of his estate. His body was found hanging by a noose from the chandelier, two feet atop a stool that was still standing, and his hands had been bound together in front of his body. Across Mr. Karazai's Adam's Apple, a thin laceration was found. Also at the crime scene pieces of piano chord had

  • Personal Narrative: Where Are Your Barbies

    1216 Words  | 5 Pages

    Where Are Your Barbies? The King cried over the land as his beautiful daughter, the Princess,was being carried away against her will. Knights triumphantly rode after her but even the King knew the odds of her return. Lord Fredrickson had made many visits to the castle requesting the King’s daughter hand in marriage but the answer was always, ”No!” The Princess would resist each time due to her strong blood line. Lord Fredrickson grew more determined to make the Princess his wife with each refusal

  • The Beast Is Awake In Bottomless Lake Analysis

    734 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the exposition or introduction, you are introduced to characters, the setting, and the problem. In the exposition of the Scooby Doo episode “The Beast is Awake in Bottomless Lake”, the gang goes to Canada to find a place to camp. The gang includes Scooby Doo; the talking dog, Shaggy; the guy who is with Scooby at all times, Velma; the brains of the gang, as well as Daphne and Fred who are usually the ones who help Velma. In this episode they also run into Mr. LeBeav who owns the gas station, Mr

  • If You Give A Mouse A Cookie Analysis

    1182 Words  | 5 Pages

    really going on. While many of our favorite shows, movies, and books seem like light entertainment, they often carry hidden messages meant to sway us into a particular worldview. Blackmail in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, drug abuse and promiscuity in Scooby Doo, and mistrust and paranoia in If You Give A Mouse A Cookie are just a few examples of why we need to be consciously aware of what media is trying to tell us. William Shakespeare 's A Midsummer Night’s Dream shows us that he thought slavery was