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Ayn Rand (1905 – 1982)

Nationality: American
Born: Russian
Periods: American: 20th Century

both a novelist and a philsopher, wrote such books as Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead

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Criticism about Ayn Rand

Liberals and Ayn Rand
“The Fountainhead, We the Living and most of all Atlas Shrugged–these three novels articulated a view of life, men, and morals which completely captivated my political imagination. As I read them, I felt that Ayn Rand was enabling me to make sense of what I had observed myself, as well as opening up new dimensions I had not begun to consider.”
Contains: Commentary, Criticism
Author: James Fallows
From: Atlantic Monthly Commentary 1975

Biographical sites about Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand Biography
This very detailed article tells about Ayn Rand’s life with several accompanying photographs.
Contains: Full Bio, Pictures
From: Ayn Rand Institute
Keywords: life, history, biography
Ayn Rand Chronology
“This chronology of Ayn Rand’s life is taken from Letters of Ayn Rand (Penguin, 1995) edited by Michael S. Berliner, Executive Director of the Ayn Rand Institute.”
Contains: Timeline
From: Ayn Rand Institute
Keywords: life, history, biography

Other sites about Ayn Rand

The Atlas Society
“The Atlas Society links those who admire the fiction of Ayn Rand, including Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. Members share their interests in Rand’s stories and characters through exciting social events, publications, products, and this interactive web site. The site is divided into three sections: Section 1: The Atlas Society – Find out about Society activities, products, and links to other useful web sites. Section 2: Rand and Her Work – Learn more about Ayn Rand and her novels, plays, and short stories. You’ll find biographies and bibliographies, story analyses, timelines and synopses, plus a complete compendium of Rand’s many unforgettable characters. Section3: Interact – Join The Atlas Society – then participate here in discussion groups; enter contests, games, and polls; buy unique products; and post your own fiction or essays.”
Contains: Extensive Bio, Pictures, Bibliography, Commentary
Author: The Atlas Society
Ayn Rand Institute
This site from the Ayn Rand Institute contains many resources including information about objectivism, Ayn Rand herself, and details about the Institute and their work.
Contains: Full Bio, Pictures, Timeline, Commentary, Bibliography
Bomis: Ayn Rand and Objectivism Ring
This site is the home of a seventeen member web ring about Ayn Rand and the philosophy she proclaimed–objectivism.

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013