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Sites about Ceremony

by Leslie Marmon Silko

A Native American veteran, returning home to his reservation after World War II, learns to combat the horrors that haunt him by turning to the ceremonies and rituals of his people.

Characters: Tayo, Betonie

Critical sites about Ceremony

Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony and the Effects of White Contact on Pueblo Myth and Ritual
“As Silko reveals in Ceremony … the years from World War II to the present have presented new threats to the Pueblos, which, although more subtle than the early Spanish conquests, are even more dangerous, and must be fought if the Pueblo culture is to continue. In order to explain fully the threats the modern world poses to theceremonial life of the Pueblos, it is first necessary to present a background of the Pueblo geography, basic mythology, and its corresponding ritual.”
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: Suzanne M. Austgen
From: The Hanover Historical Review Volume 1, Spring 1993
Listening to Native Americans: Making Peace with the Past for the Future
A professor discusses his methodology in teaching courses on Native American religions and philosophies, and the importance of listening to the voices of those Native Americans in order to understand them. Includes references to two of Silko’s works.
Contains: Content Analysis, Bibliography
Author: John Barry Ryan
From: Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture Vol. 31, No.1 Winter 1996 pp. 24-36
Place, Vision, and Identity in Native American Literatures
“This essay highlights one of the recurring values that has begun to emerge from the methodical study of Native American literatures: the idea that the life of the land and human life at their best are inseparable.” Focuses on the work of several Native American authors, including Silko and Momaday.
Contains: Content Analysis, Bibliography
Author: Robert M. Nelson
From: American Indian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Issues. Ed. Dane Morrison. New York: Peter Lang, 1997. 265-83.

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013