Lighthouses: A Photographic Journey – ipl: Information You Can Trust

The Graves Light

“Boston, Massachusetts”

Built: 1905

“This 113-foot tall, gray and weather-streaked, granite block lighthouse is located on Graves Ledge just out to sea from Boston Harbor. It looks old, but it is actually one of the few New England lighthouses established in the twentieth century. While some think Graves Ledge received its rather ominous name because of tragedies in the area, the ledge is actually named for Thomas Graves, a prominent sea trader from colonial Massachusetts.”

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Lighthouses: A Photographic Journey
Conceived and Developed by David S. Carter
Photographs by Donald W. Carter
Text by Diana K. Carter, Donald W. Carter & David S. Carter

Copyright © 1995-2006 David S. Carter, Donald W. Carter, & Diana K. Carter. All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, physical or electronic, in part or in full, without the express permission of the authors, is strictly prohibited.