The developments toward the advancement of artificial intelligence and its capabilities in the previous year provided a new push in the direction of making more autonomous AI systems. While language models and their complex neural networks remain within the ambit of AI, the rapid advancement in their linguistic capabilities can be interpreted as an attempt toward developing artificial general intelligence, or AGI. What has so far remained a fictional concept has started to become slightly more tangible with humans’ endeavor to create better systems which have capacity to perform tasks on par with, if not better than, their creators. While AGI remains a distant dream for most tech creators and conceptualizers, enhanced interest in the development of generative AI and the ensuing rivalries between companies hint toward a quick trajectory to achieve broad artificial intelligence with a large array of capabilities. 

Moreover, the definition of artificial general intelligence also varies depending on the discipline. Pointed development will require consensus on clearly defining these advanced models with expansive intelligence. Progress in other disciplines of AI tech such as big data and analytics will also hold value to the future of AGI and in answering questions about whether or not such systems will ever witness the light of day. Often associated with dystopian depictions, artificial general intelligence has become an object of fearful speculation and an intellectual pinnacle at the same time. Though the path to this versatile machine might seem a little clearer than before, realistic approximations must be made to truly understand humanity’s chances at building such algorithms.

Definition of Artificial General Intelligence

A multitasking robot

AGI is often imagined in dystopian works of science fiction and grim predictions surrounding AI development.

Artificial general intelligence encompasses a software algorithm that’s capable of eliciting human-like capabilities when it comes to learning new skills and performing tasks. Such systems will be able to discover solutions to tasks and problems they might not be trained on, much like a human being. Going beyond their data set, AGI will be able to understand complex and difficult tasks that require both creative thought and logical reasoning. Since these capabilities require abstract thought, artificial general intelligence is said to be “strong artificial intelligence,” whereas current-day AI systems are categorized as “narrow artificial intelligence.” The latter is concerned only with applying artificial intelligence to address specific tasks, to carry out potentially repetitive processes, or to detect patterns in data. Since human intelligence has aided the species in both survival and in achieving tangible intellectual and practical goals across all areas of life, artificial general intelligence must be capable of emulating similar capacities and problem-solving potential. 

The true abilities of AGI will be on par with that of a human being and will exhibit characteristics like: 

  • Common sense 
  • Rational thought 
  • Abstract thought 
  • Creative potential 
  • Causal intelligence 
  • Knowledge transfer 

Technologies like AGI will involve deep learning, where ML algorithms go over vast data sets to train AI models in human-like approaches to problem-solving.
AGI would also be able to look at human-written computer programs and add not only fixes but also improvements that might enhance the outcome. Other capabilities of general artificial intelligence would include complex and innately human tasks like sensory perception. AGI will be able to tell colors apart and enhance the capabilities of existing
generative models with intuitive and creative approaches to art. If adopted into robots and other mechanized devices, current concepts of AGI suggest that these models will emulate human dexterity and capacity for physical precision. Apart from these skills, artificial general intelligence will also exceed human capabilities by integrating gargantuan volumes of knowledge and their practical applications.

General Artificial Intelligence vs. AI: Understanding the Difference

A robotic arm and graphic of a human brain

While AI is limited in its expertise, AGI will be well-versed in multiple different disciplines.

Though AI is based on human cognition and intelligence, it serves to direct advanced and autonomous computing toward specific tasks. Artificial intelligence takes away cognitive stress from the human operator and performs operations that involve large calculations and identifies specific trends from raw information. Such applications are limited, and these iterations of artificial intelligence can only be used for a few purposes. General artificial intelligence, on the other hand, is a conceptual form of technology that seeks to integrate the machine’s meticulous commitment and efficiency along with an emulation of human intellectual prowess. Strictly speaking, simple everyday decisions like picking up ingredients to cook a meal is beyond the scope of a computer’s skill set. This can either be due to its inability to encompass the instinctive decisions behind these choices or because of the inadequacy of the programming dataset that would’ve otherwise helped the algorithm perform these tasks. Deep learning AI algorithms can progressively analyze the dynamics behind these innately human decisions to allow existing AI systems to become more organic in their approach to such problems while increasing productivity

AGI would also be able to scale up other intelligent technologies, helping humans achieve solutions to several key problems they face today. Issues such as climate change, economic downturns, and global conflict can be addressed with unique and in-depth solutions from general artificial intelligence. However, fears surrounding the scaling up of artificial intelligence to more generalized capabilities have triggered demands to pause AI development. Progression in language model technologies has further enhanced AI capabilities as witnessed by the release of advanced chatbots like ChatGPT, Google Bard, HuggingChat, and Claude. Consistent advancements of this sort are capable of leading humanity to the creation of artificial general intelligence.

Examples of Artificial General Intelligence and the Future

A robot with several connections to its cephalic core

Some of the world’s most powerful supercomputers might serve as the basis for future AGI systems.

While artificial general intelligence does not exist in the true sense, several supercomputers emulate a few characteristics of AGI. IBM’s Watson supercomputers have immense computational capabilities and have contributed to complex scientific calculations like the creation of the universe’s models immediately following the Big Bang. Other supercomputers have also contributed to the decoding of the human genome and to mapping the human brain. Existing architectures that prevail in these systems alongside continuous advancements in generative transformers can help with the development of increasingly advanced AI systems that might just lead human developers to create the first AGI in the future. Though the concept remains a far cry, AGI can provide scientists and developers with a purpose to create responsible artificial intelligence capable of aiding humans in their endeavors sustainably.


1. What is the difference between artificial intelligence and artificial general intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is often modeled to solve highly specific problems by training neural networks in several pathways and techniques to bring about appropriate solutions. While artificial intelligence might seem expansive, the theoretical concept of artificial general intelligence goes beyond the scope of AI and integrates human-like intelligence with an artificial neural network. There are numerous speculations that link intuition, critical thinking and a generalized proficiency to deal with problems from multiple domains creatively with AGI. Theorists also presume that artificial general intelligence might have a sense of self and an independent identity, much like a human being. 

2. What would be the purpose of artificial general intelligence?

AGI can be used to integrate human dexterity, knowledge, and creativity with mechanical precision. AGI’s development might be able to aid humans with solutions for the most challenging problems the world faces today. This may range anywhere from creating efficient rocket propulsion systems to conjuring tangible solutions to climate change. 

3. Does artificial general intelligence exist?

While there are numerous super computers that host AIs with extensive capabilities in multiple domains, none of them come close enough to AGI. Human-like intuition, an objective understanding of rationalism, and creative decision-making are thought to be the touchstones of an AGI’s characteristics. Humans still have a long way to go when it comes to developing artificial general intelligence and its associated machine learning attributes.