Native American Authors: Browsing by Book Title
Grey Owl : the mystery of Archie Belaney by Armand Garnet Ruffo
Ruffo, Armand Garnet. Grey Owl : the mystery of Archie Belaney
Regina, Saskatchewan : Coteau Books, 1996.
Genre: Biography
ISBN: 1550501097
Websites about Grey Owl : the mystery of Archie Belaney :
Author: Armand Ruffo
Type: etext
Description: Text of Ruffo’s poem How, originally published in Grey Owl: The Mystery of Archie Belaney.
How Do You Know?
Author: Armand Ruffo
Type: etext
Description: Text of Ruffo’s poem How Do You Know?, originally published in Grey Owl: The Mystery of Archie Belaney.
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