Native American Authors: Browsing by Book Title
Devilfish Bay : the giant devilfish story by Rudy James
James, Rudy. Devilfish Bay : the giant devilfish story
Woodinville, WA : Wolfhouse Pub., 1997.
Genre: Folklore
ISBN: 1891081004
Websites about Devilfish Bay : the giant devilfish story:
Devilfish Bay
Author: Wolfhouse Publishing
Type: etext
Description: This publisher’s site for the book Devilfish Bay contains the text of the foreward and several lengthy excerpts, as well as biographical information on Rudy James and photos of Devilfish Bay.
Review: Devilfish Bay, Rudy James
Author: Emmanuela de Leon
Type: bookreview
Description: Review of Devilfish Bay from Standards’s Hot List Book Reviews, Vol.6 No.2, 1998.
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