The Autobiography of a Papago Woman

Native American Authors: Browsing by Book Title

The Autobiography of a Papago Woman by Maria Chona

Chona, Maria. The Autobiography of a Papago Woman
Menasha, WI : American Anthropological Association, 1936.
Genre: Autobiography
Language: English
Audience: All Ages
ISBN: 0881330426

Websites about The Autobiography of a Papago Woman:

Woman Spirit – Maria Chona – Papago
Author: White, Julia
Type: authorbio
Description: Short biography of Maria Chona, the Papago woman who was one of the first Southwestern Native American women to write her own autobiography. Her autobiography, The Autobiography of a Papago Woman was transcribed by the ethnographer Ruth Underhill and published in 1936, the year of Chona’s death.


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