Pima Indian legends

Native American Authors: Browsing by Book Title

Pima Indian legends by Anna Moore Shaw

Shaw, Anna Moore. Pima Indian legends
Tucson : University of Arizona Press, 1968.
Genre: Folklore
Audience: All Ages
ISBN: 0816501866

Websites about Pima Indian legends:

Pima Indian Legends
Author: The University of Arizona Press
Type: etext
Description: Information about Pima Indian Legends from The University of Arizona Press, including a link to an excerpt from the book.
URL: http://www.uapress.arizona.edu/books/bid423.htm

Review of Pima Indian Legends by Anna Moore Shaw
Author: Steve Brock
Type: bookreview
Description: Review of Anna Moore Shaw’s Pima Indian Legends from Paula Giese’s Native American Books website.
URL: http://www.kstrom.net/isk/books/middle/mi233.html

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