On behalf of the wolf and the first peoples

Native American Authors: Browsing by Book Title

On behalf of the wolf and the first peoples by Joseph Marshall III

Marshall III, Joseph. On behalf of the wolf and the first peoples
Santa Fe, NM : Red Crane Books, 1995.
Genre: Essays
Audience: Adult
ISBN: 1-878610-45-7

Websites about On behalf of the wolf and the first peoples:

On Behalf of the Wolf and the First Peoples by Joseph Marshall III
Author: Red Crane Books
Type: bookreview
Description: Red Crane Books’ information about On Behalf of the Wolf and the First Peoples.

URL: http://www.redcrane.com/nativeamerican/onbehalf.htm

Review: Marshall, On Behalf of the Wolf
Author: Canela Analucinda Jaramillo
Type: bookreview
Description: Review of On Behalf of the Wolf from Standards’s Hot List Book Reviews, Vol.6 No.2, 1998.

URL: http://www.colorado.edu/journals/standards/V6N2Pride/REVIEWS/marshall.html

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