…on the for the Weeks of
11/24/2006 & 12/01/2006
The Longest You’ve Ever Stood In Line And What For?
message: the longest I’ve ever stood in a line was a couple minutes and it was for a ride at six falgs
name: frazzdollz
message: I guess the longest i’ve ever stood in line for something was at Mt. Olympus
name: hmmm
message: I’ve stood in line for an hour at the line for the roller coaster at Great America – and the ride was over in 3 minutes!!
name: Miyavi
message: the longest i ever stood in line was for the specialized high school test. It had tens of hundreds of people literally! If u cut through about 30 people (which i did), u would still be behind hundreds other. It’s like it wasn’t moving at all!
name: DBest130
message: Madrigal tickets
name: TeeHee
message: the most time is when i was waiting for my turn at the dentist’s and that was so boring i didn’t have anything to do
name: anonymous
message: hmmmmmm probably in line for food at some competiton or something i dont realy know. I’ll probably think of it later. Or maybe it was somewhere at some waterpark or amusement park or something who knows. Not me.
name: Someone special
message: I stood in the lunch line at school for about 27 minutes and lunch is only 30 min LONG!!!
name: Ali
message: the last time I stood was 7 months ago, for grades at my school : we went one by one in class, so that the teacher would correct our test papers
name: Dan
message: ive never stood in lene for an outrageous amount of time for anything. Why should we? i mean Come on, why not wait to buy whatever it is for a while until it is cheaper and you don’t have people standing in your bubble?
name: anonymous
message: I stood in line for a roller coaster for three hours. I am not sure which one it was, but it was the big white one at Cedar Point.
name: Bob
message: the longest I stood in a line is 5 and 1 half hours for a playstation 3
name: nicholle
message: This one time, i was at a stupid carnival and i had 2 wait in a stoopid line for 1 stoopid hour, but i was only half way to the halfway mark, so i gave up, went back 30 minutes later, and waited for only 2 minutes! omg!
name: greendaygirl
message: I’ve never really stood in line for anything except maybe in wal-mart to get groceries or at the mall. But I don’t see why any person in their right mind would want to wait for a long point of time for something. Like, yeah, it might be a good experience or something but still, what are you going to have after it’s all over? Nothing but a memory and maybe a trinket that you got. Such as a band tee from a concert you went to. It still doesn’t make a big difference in who you are, except for that you might get a little more snobby about things because you saw a celebrity from afar. Seriously, people, what is the point.
name: Laken
message: Well this isn’t the LONGEST i’ve ever stood in line but the lunch line at school is a hell of a long line and i wait in it for like 10 minutes then i only get 5 minutes to eat. Dam
name: dont matter but i got stong opinions man
message: I stood in line for about 2 hours for the Test Track ride at either Disney or Epcot in Florida. Worth the wait.
name: Will