Thing of the Week – Procrastinator

See what others said

…on the THING for the Weeks of

03/02/2009, 03/09/2009, 03/16/2009, & 03/23/2009


Are you going green? How are you, or others you know, trying to save the planet?

message: Yes; but only to make others happy. If i wasn’t, I would be an outcast at school
name: Red

message: I think going green is a good idea for the planet’s sake, but I dislike how everyone keeps making a big deal about
global warming. I highly doubt that there is such a thing since
weather seems to be only getting colder…
And when you research it, Al Gore was all about Global COOLING a
while back, so I tend to question his theories.
But I believe that it is a good thing that we are taking better
care of the planet.
name: Ashlee

message: I am recycling, using s[acial lightbulbs, turning off lights when i can,walking, and riding my scooter/bike instead of asking my parents to take me in there car.
name: Bob

message: Yes,,,Kind of.
I recycle and reuse things.
name: unknown

message:humans are the caretakers of the earth, and i’m glad so many people are getting into recycling, but if i hear anything about global warming or the so-called ozone problem, i’ll die!

message:yes im trying really hard to go green especially at home im good at school

message:I am trying to save the planet.