…on the for the Weeks of
01/31/12 – 04/06/12
What is your favorite sport and why?
message: track because of the wind in ur ears and the energy i
get from it
name: mahmoud14
message: my favroite sport is soccer because you get to kick
something and express yourself and not hurt anybody.
name: merline
message: my favorite sport is…..FRISBEE GOLF!!!!!!!!!! i like
it because it is really fun to play and it doesnt talk much
athletic skill…which i dont have
name: 2bheart
message: my favorite sport is swimming because it is fun to be in
the water. also, it is a great workout.
name: 1bheart
message: Griffball, it rules and it is natnional sport
name: the anwer
message: Track and Field ; because I love to run. Running is
life. I love to be the center of attention for something I’m good
at and this is the only thing I’m good at.
name: Amber