Macon's Bill No. 2

Macon's Bill No. 2 was a piece of legislation passed by the United States Congress in 1810 and signed into law by President James Madison on April 30, 1810. The bill sought to strengthen diplomatic ties between the US and Britain while also providing an economic incentive for both countries to avoid war with each other. The bill stated that if either country declared war on any third-party nation, then the other would be allowed to trade freely with that nation without interference from either side's government or navy ships. In addition, it gave American merchants additional access to British ports, which had been closed off during previous conflicts between Great Britain and France over their colonial possessions in North America. This enabled American traders to benefit economically from increased exports of agricultural goods such as cotton and tobacco while also helping foster better relations between the two nations at a time when tensions were high due to unresolved disputes stemming from past wars like the War of 1812 (1812–14).

The passage of this legislation is seen as one of President Madison's major accomplishments during his first term in office, as he managed to create an agreement that benefited both sides while avoiding open conflict through diplomacy rather than force or aggression, something he believed should be done whenever possible given its potential for creating long-term peace instead of short-term hostility or destruction. While some historians have argued that this bill ultimately failed in its goal because it did not prevent another conflict between these two powers shortly after being enacted, many agree that it still represented an important step forward towards maintaining peace through negotiation rather than combat during what could have been a very volatile period in world history, otherwise known as "the Age of Revolution" (1775–1848).