
• How Does A Culture Like Kenyan American Fit Into Marketing?

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How does a culture like Kenyan American fit into marketing? Marketing is all about the customer and how to get them to buy a product. So, this can be done in advertisement or publicity, but it is also making sure what is displayed is also politically and diversely correct. “The importance of diversity in marketing has grown in response to the increasing diversity of the U.S. population. According to the U.S. Census, more than 50 percent of the American population is expected to be composed of minority groups by the year 2024.” (Austin, 2017) This means that, for marketers, it could be difficult to advertise something locally if one does not know anything about the people that live there. Being aware of the different types of cultures and how …show more content…

Some difficulties can make or break a business deal when it comes to different countries. It is all about eye contact, space, and simple phrases that can mean different things to different cultures. “Different cultures have varying expectations about personal space and physical contact. Many Europeans and South Americans customarily kiss a business associate on both cheeks in greeting instead of shaking hands.” (Ray, 2017) So, if someone from a firm was to meet with someone outside of their culture it would be customary to know the different types of ways of how they greet and act during a business meeting. Thanks to the internet, many can find it easy to see the different ways of how to act with other cultures. It truly is all about research and respect that other cultures deserve. Another conflict could be phrases that could mean something else in another culture. “The word “yes,” for example, usually means agreement in Western cultures. In Eastern and high-context cultures however, the word “yes,” more often than not means that the party understands the message, not necessarily that he agrees with it.” (Ray, 2017) This could be very difficult in marketing that instead of getting an answer it could mean they simply agree. To solve this conflict, be specific with what they agree or confirm would be the best way to get the answers desired. In a business setting, it is most likely to have relations with those outside the country particularly if dealing with marketing. This could be changing the way an advertisement looks or what location a product or store would be the greatest in. Either of these two scenarios could happen in business meeting but both can be solved easily by researching the culture and respecting them for how they are in business

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