Person-centred practice (PCP) is aimed at people with developmental and learning disabilities; but is now also used worldwide with people with mental health issues, physical disabilities and children. It is commonly used as ‘life planning’ model, which is used to allow individuals develop and increase their self-determination, allowing them to improve their independence. The main idea behind person-centred practice is that it is designed precisely to empower the person, person-centred practice isn’t one process, it is a programme that consists of a range or processes which are most likely to share the same philosophical background. This practice doesn’t only include the individual who receives the service but also the family members, employers, …show more content…
It also allows the person to develop communication to allow you to communicate as well as possible. The principles of person-centred practice- • Getting to know the person-this makes the quality of the service a lot better; as it allows the services to be changed to suit the individual and their needs, the service is tailored to the individual. • Sharing power and responsibility-this allows the individual to take charge of their own care and methods, which makes it more suitable for them and their preferences. • Service flexibility and accessibility-this allows the practice to promote equality and diversity. It makes sure that anyone who requires the service/practice has the ability to use it • Coordination and integration-this makes it easier for charting and documentation, also minimising the risk of duplication. It also helps with working with the individual to make communication easier and understandable. • Environments –this is to allow the person who is entering a more communal environment to get to know the place they are planning