1.1 Explain The Types Of Assessment Used In Education And Training Assessment

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Assignment for Learning Outcomes 1.1 Explain the purposes of types of assessment used in education and training Assessment in education and training contributes to the overall learning process and education outcomes. The primary types of assessment are formal, summative, diagnostic, and ipsative assessments. The main purpose of formative assessment is to monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback. This type of assessment is essential for identifying learning gaps, understanding student progress, and establishing instructional strategies. Example: Teachers may use quizzes, classroom discussions, or in-class activities to gauge student understanding and adjust their teaching accordingly. Benefit: It helps students understand their strengths and areas for improvement in real-time, adopting a continuous learning environment. Summative Assessment: The purpose of …show more content…

These assessments are often high stakes and contribute significantly to final grades. Example: Final exams, end-of-term projects, and standardized tests. Benefit: They provide a clear assessment of student achievement and are useful for certifying competence and informing stakeholders of student progress. Diagnostic Assessment: The purpose of diagnostic assessments is to identify students' existing knowledge, skills, and learning requirements. Examples: Pre-tests, diagnostic tests, and initial assessments. Benefit: They help teachers tailor their instruction to meet the needs of students, ensuring that all learners can start from a point that matches their current capabilities. Ipsative Assessment: The purpose of an Ipsative assessment is to compare a student's current performance to their previous performances, focusing on personal improvement rather than comparison with peers. Example: Files that document student progress over time, self-assessment journals. Benefit: It motivates students to improve continuously and recognizes personal progress, which can be

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