
Reflection On The Book Of 1-2 Kings

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The book of 1-2 Kings was written to record a history but, if we study it carefully, this history was presented to teach the reader a lesson. Looking at the message and themes that being developed in this book, we can be sure that there is one important thing that the writer wants his reader to understand: learn from Israel’s mistakes. The king’s failures to lead the people of Israel and Judah caused by their disobedience and unfaithfulness to God and His covenant. All this failures can be identified because there were so much things going on that caused Israel and Judah failed to be faithful in obeying the covenant responsibilities. Idolatry and the lack of priorities can be said as the top two reasons on why these kings and nations failed. …show more content…

This is when idolatry takes place. We started to find other than God to fill the needs inside our heart to be satisfied, meaningful, and complete. It can be from the love of money, the lust of the lest, the lust of the eyes or the pride of life (1 Timothy 6:10; 1 John 2:16). But, the ultimate truth is: Our heart were too big that makes no thing or no one in this world fit enough to replace God. God has designed our heart uniquely where only God can fit into it and the moment man trade that desire with other things than God, that is when the 40 years of Israel’s journey begins in our heart. The second reason that caused these Kings of Israel and Judah failed is: The lack of priorities (2 Kings 17:7-10). For the Israelites, it was hard for them to focus on the One that matters the most because they lacked to se their priorities. Even throughout this book, we can see more than five times where God clearly told them to put Him first by obeying His commands and to be loyal in worshipping Him only. However, each king that ruled over Israel and Judah failed to prioritize Him first because they compromised too

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