1.4 Diagnosis Criteria For ADHD Children

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1.4 Diagnosis of ADHD Currently, the diagnosis of ADHD is most often using DSM-IV-TR criteria. It is mainly clinical, based on evaluation of the child which includes interview with parents about child’s development and behaviour. The assessment is incomplete without input from the teachers. The diagnosis criteria for ADHD is DSM-5 are similar to those in DSM-IV. Diagnosis by these criteria requires that the onset of symptoms must occur before age of 12 years. The symptoms must be present for 6 months or longer. Medical evaluation should include a complete medical history and a comprehensive physical examination. Psycho educational testing should be done to assess the intellectual ability, academic achievement and learning disabilities. Other …show more content…

The behaviour, not surprisingly, is unpopular both with the fellow students and with teachers. Although the school settings usually provoke the most difficulties of ADHD children, many of them have significant difficulties with behaviour and attention at home. Even though awareness of ADHD and its symptoms have increased in recent years, these children often provoke anger, and their behaviour often subject them to disciplinary corrections at home and at school. DSM-IV-TR requires that children display a number of symptoms in order to receive a diagnosis of ADHD. In North America, the DSM-IV or DSM-5 criteria used for diagnosis of ADHD and ICD-10 classification used in European countries. Other psychiatric co-morbidities of ADHD children should screened with conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, depression, neuro-devlopmental and bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and learning disabilities. 1.5 .Management of …show more content…

There is a growing attention to the role of teaching executive function including reasoning, organizing and planning in the early childhood and it is announced that fine training and education of executive functions have a key role in social development, social competence and academic achievement of the children. Samples consisted of 22 ADHD children were selected randomly and divided into two groups of control and experimental (Control=12, Experimental=10). The experimental groups were under play therapy with behavioral-cognitive approach in 8 sessions (two sessions per week) and each session lasted 30 to 45 minutes. Before and after play therapy sessions (8 sessions), visual-memory test was used as the pre-test and post-test and one-way analysis of covariance was used and the confidence interval was fixed at 0.05 level. Results showed that play therapy was effective in improving the visual memory of ADHD children (F 1, 20=4.8, P <0.04). Study concluded that plays which increase the children attention and concentration will have gradual effect on the function of the frontal lobes and increase attention, concentration and visual memory of ADHD children. Since executive functions develop in early childhood and it will be growing throughout life. (Foroozandeh

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