1 King Solomon Research Paper

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The attitude of the writer of 1 Kings towards King Solomon shifts throughout the book as Solomon’s obedience to the Lord changes. In the first part, and majority, of Solomon’s reign, the author of 1 Kings approves very highly of Solomon, praising him for his character, his obedience and his success. However, as Solomon breaks the covenant by which he came to kinship, the author’s attitude shifts, becoming disapproving of Solomon’s disobedience. This essay will outline three major ways in which the author of 1 Kings approved of King Solomon, as well as explore the reason for their shift in attitude. This essay will focus on the author’s approval of Solomon, as it is most obvious in the text, yet it will not neglect the shift in Solomon’s lordship …show more content…

Because of this familiarity with Jewish law, the fact that 1 Kings is an historical account of Israel, and the use of God’ covenantal name, Yahweh in the book (“the Lord our God” [1 Kgs 9:65]), one may assume that the author of 1 Kings was a Jewish person. This assumption is important as it gives us an insight into why the author may have had the attitudes towards Solomon that he did. The author would have recognised Solomon as God’s chosen and promised king, and known of the covenant between God and the Israelites, counting himself a part of that covenant. He would himself have been under the rule of the kings of Israel who were under the rule of the living God Yahweh. This is significant in understanding the author’s approval and subsequent disapproval of …show more content…

By writing of Solomon’s wealth and success, the author is presenting a positive image of him and approving of his kingship. While the author of 1 Kings approves of Solomon for the most part of his reign, there comes a point where this attitude changes, as Solomon’s own attitude changes towards God. As Solomon turns away from the Lord and what He has commanded him, the authors approval of Solomon shifts. He begins to write more damning verses “So Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the Lord” [1 Kings 11:6] using strong emotional language to express his disapproval of

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