Question And Answers On Jill Mccorkle's Primary Concern

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1. In one sentence, explain Jill McCorkle’s primary concern. I.e. What is she afraid of? She’s primarily concerned with the lack of liberation in people (especially children). She’s afraid of her son being unable to liberate his need to express language. 2. Summarize McCorkle’s argument (i.e. her response or solution to this concern) in 3-5 sentences. She argues that swearing (or cussing) is a good thing for children (and adults) and allows them to feel comfortable. Doing so moves the words “weigh the same” as regular words (assumingly to the child) stops them from saying the curse words to an authoritative person. Also embraces words that are deemed inappropriate, and become realistic. 3. What is “cussing”? Were you familiar with this word when you first began reading? …show more content…

Saying words that are typically viewed as “bad”. I knew about the word before, besides being subject to an area where the term was used instead of “swearing”, I have heard it elsewhere. 4. What does McCorkle mean by “Word Gestapo”? Why does she use this phrase? Words some deny and forget. Define and dictate what words in our vocabulary are appropriate or inappropriate. 5. Were there any words that you were unfamiliar with or phrases you didn’t understand? If not were there any words or phrases you found interesting or effective? Identify and explain 3 examples of unfamiliar and/or effective words and