What is 10/90 rule? 10/90 rule is a strategic use of web analytics; it is a rule for making web analytics success. 10/90 rule of analytics means for every $10 you spend on analytics tool, you should be spending $90 on the people to analyses those reports. If a company is spending about $20k on metrics implementation, then the company should spend $180k on a team to analyze the report to make use of the service. The team needs to fully work on analyzing the report and result. For all the companies, data is very important, and it is not hard for a company to find a good tool to analyzing the web, but it is not easy to understand the data from it. The 10/90 rule is to make sure the company is getting the result that they want to achieve the goal through the data. The goal here is to see if the web is on track or if the goal is on tract; and to see if there is anything that needs to be improved. If a company has a good analyzing tool but does have a good team to analyze the result, then it is a waste time and money of having web analytics. Also, it means the company is not using the resources correctly. …show more content…
The goal for those companies is have the highest value from web analytics implementation. So, the bottom line to the success is people. Analysis is one of the most challenging part of the process; analysis is a key to a company’s success. The company needs to understand the data and understand what the data means to the company, 10/90 rules can help the company to achieve the goal of understanding the