
10 Percent Plan Of 1860

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1.10% Plan: the ten percent plan also known as Lincoln’s ten percent plan and the Proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction, was a plan that stated that the southern states that participated in secession can again become part of the Union if 10% of the people in that state (voter rolls for the election of 1860) swear an oath of allegiance to the Union.With this vow came Lincoln pardoning those southern states for their wrongs. Their wrongs were secession and slavery, and they could then be admitted into the Union. When a Confederate state got ten percent of its people to swear according the the oath, that state would get a new government, and the Union would not consider it separate, but recognize it. The states that were readmitted were …show more content…

Many “Radical Republican” did not like the ten percent plan because they basically thought that Lincoln was being too nice, and they wanted to the southern states to feel the wrath of their wrong-doings. The bill was created in 1864, and kind of restated Lincoln’s plan, but now with an increase of the percentage to 50! The bill however did not get passed because Lincoln would not sign it (pocket veto). Congress then created the Freedmen's Bureau. 3.Military Reconstruction Act of 1867: the Reconstruction Act of 1867 was basically Congress’s start to Reconstruction. The Act split up the seceded southern states, and made them into five military districts that were under rule of the general of the Union. It seems that the Union did not trust the south because they also added martial law to those districts to protect the now free …show more content…

When the company actually did use the land and money given by the government to build railroads, most of the money did not go towards the job, but to the people that owned the company. The owners of the company were also in charge of the Union Pacific. Congressman that were basically making sure this fraud company got money were in return receiving bribes in the form of stock and bonds. 8.Whiskey Ring: the Whiskey Ring was a scandal that was done by a group of public officials that basically fooled the government regarding taxes on liquor. The people that were involved were government officials, and people that were involved in the Whiskey business. This was important because it kind of exposed the government in having a hand in fraud against the IRS. This was one of many of Grant’s

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