In the movie 12 Angry Men, the entire band of jurors go through the development stages that all groups have. The most popular group development model developed by Bruce Tuckman is evident in the movie. This systems has five stages called forming,storming,norming,performing,adjourning. According to the model, the forming stage is when all the member are socially polite and cautious on their interactions with each other. This phase is shown in the film at the start when all the chosen jurors are locked in the enclosed room. Once they are all there, the jurors are interacting with each other doing small talk such as juror 7 telling another juror how he has baseball tickets …show more content…
It starts from here because it showed that juror 8 was in disagreement with the other jurors that the boy was guilty. The third stage which is norming explains the stage in which the all the members of the group resolve their problems with each other and began to establish norms or rules to follow and obey. This is seen after the jury took the first vote. After that, they establishing rules such as no insulting when one if the jurors insulted the elderly juror 9. Throughout this stage most of the members were assuming roles and some multiple roles. For example juror 1 serving as the facilitator and enforcer, some being experts on certain topics such as one jury having knowledge as knives, and many cooperating just being observers.The fourth stage name performing explains the stage when all the members are fully engaged and they start to work at their peak productivity. Once the jury was split whether the the accused was guilty or not, most of them members started to analyze the evidence/facts and started making their decisions with logic and without