
12 Years A Slave Vs Movie Glory

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The film 12 Years a Slave, and the movie Glory, are each great and both have differences and similarities. The have similar and different events, settings, time periods. The characters in both movies believe in the same thing but fight and accomplish things in different ways. The similar thing they both have in common is they are both african americans fighting for their rights.
The two films are different in settings but the mostly the same in time periods. The setting of 12 Years a Slave was filmed in Louisiana, New Orleans. Glory in Georgia, south of Atlanta. The actual time frame that 12 Years a Slave was filmed in is 2013. Glory was in 1989 so there is another difference. Glory was based in 1863 within the civil war and 12 Years a Slave was pre-civil war. More things that differ in setting is that 12 years a slave was shot in scenes with a lot of land and nice houses. The movie glory was shot outside and with tents and mud and some buildings. Other differences are that Glory was about blacks wanting to join the union and participate in the civil war, not slavery like the other movie. …show more content…

They were usually seen as less of a person to whites. So in Glory it was a very big accomplishment for there to be blacks in the union and especially have a first to become sergeant major. In the movie 12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup was a free man living in New York with his family, and he got kidnapped and taken into slavery in the south. When he first discovered he had been kidnapped he tried to explain to the men that he was a free man and had a job but they would not listen. This lead to him finding someone he could tell this to and they spread it back to people who knew Solomon and he finally got out later. He fought and did not give up on himself during the hard years. So both films are similar in the way they fought for

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